Greek Peak Conditions

They groomed the ridge on the bunny slope again. Last year, Pro said it was for teaching. Does anyone know how it works?
I'm not a hick, I come from the big city...Conklin.

Isn't it funny though, I praise Greek when they do well. I call them out when they don't. Camp just praises them regardless. His homerism is nauseating.

Oh yeah, and he doesn't even ski.
I’m from Conklin too. Live above the golf course, I used to hunt that farm that is the golf course now when I was a kid…. Mosses farm, Harlen Moss use to artificially breed the cows on farm I worked on.
I'm not a hick, I come from the big city...Conklin.

Isn't it funny though, I praise Greek when they do well. I call them out when they don't. Camp just praises them regardless. His homerism is nauseating.

Oh yeah, and he doesn't even ski.
Played a tournament at CPC once.
Fun to play & a beautiful place on the side of a hill.
If there was snow ya could ski it.
Stillwater is definitely redneck central in Conklin. I grew up about a half mile from the city line. We had our share back then too. I'd say more white trash than redneck.

I'm grateful I got to work at the two world famous businesses in my neighborhood. I worked in the Eureka factory outlet store, and I worked at McIntosh Labs. I did screen printing for Mac Labs, can't imagine any tighter standard for quality. IBM was pretty wacky on their coating specs
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I’m from Conklin too. Live above the golf course, I used to hunt that farm that is the golf course now when I was a kid…. Mosses farm, Harlen Moss use to artificially breed the cows on farm I worked on.
Mr. Moss could possibly qualify as a higher-tech hick. But it might require further study.