Greek Peak Conditions

The reservation thing might keep me from skiing this year. My ski days are total spur of the moment, as in I wake up and decide to go skiing. I'd hate to make a reservation and not go, keeping someone away from the hill that really wants to go would bother me.
It's odd GP is keeping their protocol so close to the chest. Every other ski area has made their plan public now for weeks, if not months.
You can make reservations right up until you go skiing. Of course you risk being shut out on a busy weekend day. But you should be able to make last minute reservations.
Sometimes, it is hard to keep your eyes on the road at that point. Just saying...
If you are driving southbound out of Syracuse around Tully and Lafayette, and see a ski area on the right, it is Song Mountain you are looking at.
You can make reservations right up until you go skiing. Of course you risk being shut out on a busy weekend day. But you should be able to make last minute reservations.

Depending on what happens this week I may hit the hill this weekend, but only if it snows. Normally I wouldn't due to deer season but I am SO sick of cutting up deer this year that the last thing I want to do is shoot another one.
Depending on what happens this week I may hit the hill this weekend, but only if it snows. Normally I wouldn't due to deer season but I am SO sick of cutting up deer this year that the last thing I want to do is shoot another one.
That doesn't sound like a big problem to have.
Any insight on how you make reservations for skiing if you are not a season passholder? I don't see any option to purchase lift tickets online yet.....
That's a GD good question. Because when I just went the normal site where people buy tickets in advance, I get a message that none are available. This is what I got from the Chat session I tried:
Good day ! My name is Brittany, I'll be happy to assist you today. How can I help you?

ME: I am trying to buy tickets for sunday. I went to this page and got a message that none were avilable.
Is that site still working? No matter what day I pick to buy tickets in advance I get a message that none are available.

B: No, it is not working online. I will take your information and someone will get back to you.

ME: I am trying to help a friend whose going to be coming this weekend. I actually teach skiing at Greek.
Should he call someone? He's driving from Washington DC and wants to make sure he has a ticket in advance.

B: You can guest services but they are not available at this time. There number is 844-846-9572

ME: What are their hours?

B: 930-5 typically. They are swamped and you may just need to leave them a message and they can return your call
Brittany Stull is typing...

At that point I dropped the connection. Now I understand why nobody was required to have a reservation last Saturday. Sorry. Good luck guys..
That's a GD good question. Because when I just went the normal site where people buy tickets in advance, I get a message that none are available. This is what I got from the Chat session I tried:
Good day ! My name is Brittany, I'll be happy to assist you today. How can I help you?

ME: I am trying to buy tickets for sunday. I went to this page and got a message that none were avilable.✓&partner_date=2020-12-15&start_date=2020-12-20
Is that site still working? No matter what day I pick to buy tickets in advance I get a message that none are available.

B: No, it is not working online. I will take your information and someone will get back to you.

ME: I am trying to help a friend whose going to be coming this weekend. I actually teach skiing at Greek.
Should he call someone? He's driving from Washington DC and wants to make sure he has a ticket in advance.

B: You can guest services but they are not available at this time. There number is 844-846-9572

ME: What are their hours?

B: 930-5 typically. They are swamped and you may just need to leave them a message and they can return your call
Brittany Stull is typing...

At that point I dropped the connection. Now I understand why nobody was required to have a reservation last Saturday. Sorry. Good luck guys..

If you are driving southbound out of Syracuse around Tully and Lafayette, and see a ski area on the right, it is Song Mountain you are looking at.
The nice thing about being local is looking at Song, just for fun. :)
I skied Greek Saturday for a few hours after lunch. They were open for the day until 4:00. What they had open was pretty nice given what they've had for weather this season. Open was Alpha, Stoic, Meadows, skiers' left side of Elysian Fields, Karyatis, and Platonic. Chairs 1, Visions Quad, and Alpha (3) were running. Chair 1 closed around 2:00 due to lack of customers. Snow was all man made. The snow was your typical Snomax enhanced stuff, decent spring conditions given that temperatures were near 50.

The day felt like a "dry run" for operating under Covid rules, which are:
- You must wear a mask inside the buildings and on the lifts.If you don't wear one you will be tossed out. Without prejudice. Apparently they had practice doing this over the summer!
- They are not going to be allowing bags and stuff to be left in the lodges. There will be lodge sweeps periodically. Not sure where it goes or what they do with it, but it sounded as if your stuff would get tossed. Its clear that you will need to use your car as locker and storage area. Not sure what is happening to customer rented lockers, but it sounds like they won't be available.
- People entering the buildings have to answer a health questionnaire and have temperature checked.
- No more than 2 unrelated people can ride the Quad (and they must ride as far apart as possible). No more than 1 unrelated person can ride a double or triple chair.
- Families and those who came to Greek together can ride the lift together, up to the lifts regular capacity. (A family of 4 can ride the quad together).
- There are two singles lines on the quad (one of the far left and one on the far right). So two unrelated skiers can ride the quad on opposite ends of the chair.
- Reservations are required for everyone, even passholders. While they did not require reservations Saturday, they were scanning everyone's ticket and pass at the bottom of each open lift. If your pass or ticket doesn't show up in the reservation system the lift attendant is supposed to tell you to leave. Reservations can be made up until you ski, but everyone is required to make an online reservation before skiing. Seasons passholders and employees are NOT exempt. The number of reservations is limited to something like 75% of the total number of people that ski Greek on a busy weekend day. Frankly as the session got into these figures I suffered a case of MEGO, so don't quote me on this.
- Group lessons are going to be limited in size, there's going to be more private lessons, we are offering family lesson packages, and school programs are going to be limited this year.

Other things of note:
- They plan on opening the A-Frame lodge on busy days to add bathroom capacity and food service capacity. Capacity will be limited in the Taverna and Trax. Trax seating area is being expanded into the big conference room on the same level. On busy days the Waffle Shack will be open.
- Portable bathrooms were added outside to add bathroom capacity.

It's going to be a weird year. For sure.
So, tell me what we don't know. That has been posted for a while.

What about the coach that was behind me in the lift line, without his mask on? Is he exempt? Should he have been kicked off the mountain? I think so. He puts his snow pants on the same as the rest of us.

I like what Wes said on the Snow Phone: "Be the Reason We Have a Season."

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At one point I lived closer to Song and skied there a lot. It was a nice place when I was a kid. Haven't been there in 10 or 15 years.....