Greek Peak Conditions

So, tell me what we don't know. That has been posted for a while.

What about the coach that was behind me in the lift line, without his mask on? Is he exempt? Should he have been kicked off the mountain? I think so. He puts his snow pants on the same as the rest of us.

I like what Wes said on the Snow Phone: "Be the Reason We Have a Season."

PS. They weren't asking for reservations last weekend....
I apologize in advance... rant mode has been triggered..

What color coat was the maskless coach wearing? Blue=Ski Instructor=Employee. Not blue, that person was probably a ski racer volunteer or school coach who hadn't got the message (yet). Employees are empowered to ask folks to mask up and to get management if someone won't wear a mask or gives the employee a hard time. We don't want to be confrontational... but ....

Look here's the inside story: We are scared to death that the state will hit the area with a big fine, or heaven forbid, shut us down if the health department sees some clowns not wearing masks in the ski line or inside. Management is desperately trying to get computer systems in place to track reservations, and comply with state rules. Because there are HUGE DIRECT and serious economic consequences for the area and most of my fellow employees. For the area and for most employees getting closed would be a disaster. Aside from no skiing, the financial impact on the area's owners would be severe. For employees: no benefits. Food stamps. Unemployment. etc.

And then there is this: I don't want to get sick with this. Most likely I'd be OK in a month. But... and its a BIG BUTT, it can kill just as easy. I have friends who've seen this up close. Doctors, nurses, hospital administration and teachers. It killed a friend of the family who was in her late 20s. No shit. No known preexisting conditions. I certainly can't bring Covid home to my family. One has a congenital heart condition from birth.

For me, this is just a part time fun gig. I could quit and be no worse off. But I am seriously lucky. For me, if skiers don't follow the rules I quit. Most employees can't. So please folks, just wear the stupid mask and if you see someone who isn't, please ask them nicely to put one on. If they won't, or give you a hard time, ask an employee for help. We really want to be skiing until April.

I step off the soapbox... and apologize
I apologize in advance... rant mode has been triggered..

What color coat was the maskless coach wearing? Blue=Ski Instructor=Employee. Not blue, that person was probably a ski racer volunteer or school coach who hadn't got the message (yet). Employees are empowered to ask folks to mask up and to get management if someone won't wear a mask or gives the employee a hard time. We don't want to be confrontational... but ....

Look here's the inside story: We are scared to death that the state will hit the area with a big fine, or heaven forbid, shut us down if the health department sees some clowns not wearing masks in the ski line or inside. Management is desperately trying to get computer systems in place to track reservations, and comply with state rules. Because there are HUGE DIRECT and serious economic consequences for the area and most of my fellow employees. For the area and for most employees getting closed would be a disaster. Aside from no skiing, the financial impact on the area's owners would be severe. For employees: no benefits. Food stamps. Unemployment. etc.

And then there is this: I don't want to get sick with this. Most likely I'd be OK in a month. But... and its a BIG BUTT, it can kill just as easy. I have friends who've seen this up close. Doctors, nurses, hospital administration and teachers. It killed a friend of the family who was in her late 20s. No shit. No known preexisting conditions. I certainly can't bring Covid home to my family. One has a congenital heart condition from birth.

For me, this is just a part time fun gig. I could quit and be no worse off. But I am seriously lucky. For me, if skiers don't follow the rules I quit. Most employees can't. So please folks, just wear the stupid mask and if you see someone who isn't, please ask them nicely to put one on. If they won't, or give you a hard time, ask an employee for help. We really want to be skiing until April.

I step off the soapbox... and apologize
I get it. Skiing this year is a gift.

I don't think he was a GP employee. I sent you the info. Maybe the higher ups can give a not so subtle kick in the ass to those who feel privileged.

We will reopen on Thursday from 9:30am-4pm. Advanced reservations are needed. The online reservations portal for Season Passholders is now open.

Click the Passholder Reservation (orange) button at the top right section at The first page has step by step instructions. PLEASE REVIEW this page prior to making your reservation. You might want to take a photo of the step by step graphic before you continue to the reservation process. If you encounter an issue please try a second time before calling Guest Services. Many guests have made reservations without any problems.

Note- Passholders do not have to pay for a reservation. The software requires an amount be in the shopping cart so you will see $.01 until you finalize. Please do not add a credit card.

Call volume is extremely high so please try to book your reservation before calling Guest Services as wait/call back times are longer than usual.

Ticket purchasers please click the Buy Tix button (orange).

We know everyone is excited to get on snow and we appreciate your patience with the new protocols put in place to keep everyone safe this season. ❤️⛷?
I made my reservations for Saturday and Sunday. It wasn't too hard. It might have gone better if I had actually read the instructions. ?
The site was definitely slow (likely from everyone trying to use it), but I, too, was able to get my weekend reservations without too much trouble. Certainly easier to use than the people posting on GP's Facebook would have you believe!
Snowbound in Binghamton, 41"! A new record. Hope to make it to Greek if/when they plow my street. My brother said a city plow got stuck on his street.


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