Greek Peak Conditions

Did chair 4 get up and going? I was kinda sorta thinking about hanging out on Trojan today, maybe out of the wind. I left at noon after wandering around the second lot looking for my car. I wasn't paying attention to which row it was in when I parked. The problem with having a white Fit in a ski parking lot is that sometimes, it gets lost among the trucks and 4wds. :p

Regardless, conditions were great!
Trojan, out of the wind, that's the funniest thing I've read all day. I think I've stood still and gone backwards on top of Trojan.
Trojan, out of the wind, that's the funniest thing I've read all day. I think I've stood still and gone backwards on top of Trojan.
I am so glad that you had a stellar day at GP.

Me, too.

I had this crazy idea that I would be protected from the wind on chair 4, as opposed to getting blasted in the open spots on 1 and Visions. I don't have facial hair, and as a 56 year old woman, I am hoping I don't get any.

Ski on young fella. I hope nobody wets your boots tomorrow. That just sucks. Sometimes, I think that the vibe changes when non-locals start showing up. They park in the road, cut people off and are often quite obnoxious. But, they keep the place open.
Thanks for the young fella. I've got 4 years on you. I'm officially a senior at McCauley now, I can ski weekdays for $20 instead of $25, weekends for $30 instead of $35. Gotta love those rates, unbelievable. And it's one gnarly 600ft mountain.

I like to sit sideways on chair 4 and catch either morning, or afternoon sun. That was another nice thing about the old double the quad replaced, you could sit sideways with your back to the wind, especially nice in that wide open space just before the base of Fields. Can't sit sideways on 1, there are bars in the way.

Now that I think about the boot, was probably from melting snow on the bottom of a bag above my boots, or some wise ass kids taking it in the men's room and filling it up. Either way, I think I'm back to booting up at the car, or at least taking my boots back to the car when done booting up, I'm there early usually pretty close to the lodge.
Thanks for the young fella. I've got 4 years on you. I'm officially a senior at McCauley now, I can ski weekdays for $20 instead of $25, weekends for $30 instead of $35. Gotta love those rates, unbelievable. And it's one gnarly 600ft mountain.

I like to sit sideways on chair 4 and catch either morning, or afternoon sun. That was another nice thing about the old double the quad replaced, you could sit sideways with your back to the wind, especially nice in that wide open space just before the base of Fields. Can't sit sideways on 1, there are bars in the way.
I bow in reverence to your age. You are completely entitled to be a cantankerous old man. :)

And still, ski on young fella! Hopefully, we can all get to wear the 80 year old skier stickers on our helmets when we get there.
I bow in reverence to your age. You are completely entitled to be a cantankerous old man. :)

And still, ski on young fella! Hopefully, we can all get to wear the 80 year old skier stickers on our helmets when we get there.
I don't know if I'll make 80. Unless they can grow me a liver in a sheep when I need one. Between my boozing days and working with solvents for over 30 years, my liver is probably at least 80 now.
I don't know if I'll make 80. Unless they can grow me a liver in a sheep when I need one. Between my boozing days and working with solvents for over 30 years, my liver is probably at least 80 now.
Pish posh. All the time skiing must have negated some of that.

It's not like you are sitting on your @$$ drinking beer all day. Skiing is hard.
Yeah, I'm sure it does...not! Well here's to a smoother day on the hill tomorrow, gonna be brutally cold at opening, but close to 30 as a high, heatwave!
I hear they plan on running 4 tomorrow, and working on it Monday, we shall see.
Thanks for the Intel on 4. After the lines on 1 and Visions, and with the cold, I had planned on a later start and going to 5 anyhow.
Wow, beautiful day on the hill. Groomers were perfect. Trees were decent but thin . Lift lines were long but 1 and 2 moved well enough.
I'm guessing but I'd say it was darn close to record attendance yesterday. Main lot was packed all the way past stavlos to the big screen. Chair 5 lot overflowing into the road, and both adventure center and hotel lots were full. In all my years here I've never seen that before. Just crazy.
On a weekend day they need 53 employees to operate, currently they only have 56 total employees. They're trying to hire 18 lifties with no luck. I can't imagine what a management nightmare that has to be.