Greek Peak Conditions

Guys, please pay attention and be nice to our critical hill staff. We've got many newbies and we are all trying to help them get used to the craziness that comes with working with the outdoors and with customers for the first time in their lives. You'd be surprised with what comes with working in the cold, standing at the lift helping kids and adults for the first day, and especially standing in the cold outside for what seems like forever at a time at lifts. Then the folks pushing snowmakers around even have it tougher. At -5 degrees with a 20 mph wind. We need these folks badly in a winter that started off warm and snowless, but now has turned cold, but still with not as much natural cover as we'd like.

What the snowmakers and hill crew have done this year is nothing short of grand. We are nearly completely open, we are skiing even on natural snow only areas like Arcadian Gate and in the woods glades. Go and have fun. Chair 2 and 5 were open last night, and will be all weekend. So have fun!!!!!
All the lifties right now are stellar! The team at chair 5 was amazing, making sure that everyone got on and off the lift safely. One person was even counting down to let us know when to expect the chair.
Mixed day at chair 5 this morning. The conditions were great.

Unfortunately, someone got seriously hurt in the woods off of Mars hill. When I was riding up for my first time around 10, some non-patrol people were kicking off their skis to go help this person out. Patrol showed up en force. It took a long time to get this person out of the woods and down to the base of chair 5 to the ambulance waiting. Trying to get someone out of the woods who is injured must be super tricky. When I left at 11:30, there was a helicopter waiting in the second lot at the main lodge.

Major kudos to those random humans and our ski patrol and good vibes being sent to the person they helped.
Yes, skied past them being attended to in the glade, prayers. Greek was absolutely stellar today, shame the cold is leaving. But snow may be on its way later in the week.
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Skied GP yesterday. Mostly everything was open and all lifts running. All the trails were well groomed. The trees are starting to get some bare spots especially on the steep sections, so the upcoming storm should make for some great weekend conditions!
Did chair 4 get up and going? I was kinda sorta thinking about hanging out on Trojan today, maybe out of the wind. I left at noon after wandering around the second lot looking for my car. I wasn't paying attention to which row it was in when I parked. The problem with having a white Fit in a ski parking lot is that sometimes, it gets lost among the trucks and 4wds. :P

Regardless, conditions were great!
Listen while pushing the thing on yer key to make it beep (lock) if ya have that and the car’s it’s in the neighborhood you’ll hear it.