Greek Peak Conditions

Better start making Superstar amount of snow quickly. I’d be happy if they made it till April.
I would imagine they will
Temps are staying cold at night for at least a week
Certainly will be a good test of their snowmaking improvements. It will be fun to watch.
What trail would you think holds snow longest at Greek? I would suspect Trojan,Castor and Pollux would be my guess. Only because I would think they are the most shaded. Blast them hard and run chair 4 only when things go south. People would travel if only show around.
That's a good question. I def think Trojan would be one, but I also think the Olympian might be another good one. That thing is always in the shade. Even if it's a bluebird day it gets sun, what, maybe an hour?

To make this happen, my guess is they'll go after the Fields.

Man I hope they make it! If they do you can bet your ass I'll ski that day. What a hoot!?
I was really pleasantly surprised today. :). The rain stayed away and conditions were MUCH better than I expected. I had to go to Dryden, which is half way between home and GP. I figured that I would at least check things out. I ended up staying for a couple of hours. I got to sneak in a run on Kristy's as they just started setting up a course, which turned out to be for the adaptive program. Major props to GP's adaptive program for doing that! I also went to chair 2 soon after it opened and found fresh snow over corduroy on Castor. That was lovely! I do like the second part of the ride up on chair 2, heading into and above the pine trees.
Just pulled into the lot. What’s good?


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