Greek Peak Conditions

Mars had the best snow, I ended up doing laps on Mars over to 4 and back over to 5. Trojan was nice on left and icy on right. Almost went down on bare ice trying to ski the small bumps.
Thanks. I thought I could see ice shimmering from the quad.

ETA I don't mean that in a bad way. I'm sorry about the ice and your almost going down. I meant thanks for the report.
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Not a banner morning. The quad was stopped when I got there at 9:30. They got lift 1 running. The hid in front of me on lift 1 didn't quite make it onto the chair, so the liftie stopped the chair. (The kid was fine.) After that, we were at a standstill for about 15 minutes. My feet were about 6 feet from the ground, but jumping off seemed like a bad idea. I got two runs in during my first hour there.

They got everyone to the top of the quad using the backup motor, and eventually it was running again. Until it wasn't. It was back limping along around noon.

However, chair 2 ran smoothly and Castor was lovely and not crowded.

They made lots of snow, which needs some grooming.
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On sunday the quad was down from the moment I arrived at 1:00 and was still closed when I left at 4:30. But all the other lifts were all spinning and only Lift 1 was crowded. Otherwise Sunday was a great ski day with blue sky, temps in the lower 30s, not much wind and lots of man-made snow. If you looked at the parking lot only, you'd get the idea that the area was crazy crowded.... but as long as you stayed away from Chair 1, there were no crowds. I have never been a fan of Greek's quad chairlift. It's not a high speed lift, the loading carpet seems to have problems every year and the lift seems to break down too often, especially on the busiest days.
Word around the campfire is 3/17 will be the last day.

Again, not confirmed.
I was wondering if that's where they were trending when they changed the date to use your new season pass from March 11 to immediately.

It has been a great winter for jogging, yoga and riding my horse, but not so great for skiing on the weekends. The times I have been skiing have been really good, but I'm only up to 14 which is about half of my normal. It seemed like the best days were Mondays when I couldn't call in. I had 10 inches of LE the weekend before the start of the semester in January, not an ideal Monday to ask off with no notice.

Kudos to GP for doing the best they could during a less than ideal winter!
I was wondering if that's where they were trending when they changed the date to use your new season pass from March 11 to immediately.

It has been a great winter for jogging, yoga and riding my horse, but not so great for skiing on the weekends. The times I have been skiing have been really good, but I'm only up to 14 which is about half of my normal. It seemed like the best days were Mondays when I couldn't call in. I had 10 inches of LE the weekend before the start of the semester in January, not an ideal Monday to ask off with no notice.

Kudos to GP for doing the best they could during a less than ideal winter!
It certainly has been a challenging winter here in CNY. To me, it's been quite impressive with what they've been able to get open, especially given it really hasn't snowed this winter. Heck, I've only plowed my driveway twice this year.

Looking forward to more snowmaking improvements for next year. The proof is in the pudding.