Greek Peak Conditions

Wes announced on the snow phone they're closing mon-wed reopening on Thursday for the weekend. Planning on making snow Tues, Wed and Thursday nights. I'd say Greek Peak is back to being committed to the ski side! Rt on! 🍻
Was out this afternoon for a couple of hours, which is about all my healing foot can handle. Greek made a considerable amount of snow in the last couple of days. Visions was open as was Odyssey, Fields to Stoic, and Karyatis to Platonic and it looked like they had blown snow on all the open trails.... No other lift was running (aside from the Boardwalk carpet). The surface was fairly hard with some powder. It was below freezing and cloudy with some flurries so there was no softening. As soon as temps get above freezing tomorrow the surfaces will soften up a bit. I was surprised how all the bare spots that were there last week were gone on all of the open trails. The miracle in all this is that they are open as much as they are given the lack of snow this winter. They still have NOT announced a closing day.... I expect they will be open next weekend because there is so much snow on the trails they have open. All this is surprising given the total lack of natural snow this winter.