Greek Peak Conditions

The Dunk and I got in a few hours yesterday - the snow was kind of wet and heavy, but there sure was a lot of it! Chair 5 wasn't open but we hit the glades under chair 4 a few times and that was mighty nice! Love us some Greek Peak, here's hoping they don't lose too much snow this week...
Got a couple hours in first thing. Pretty sweet, just about the right amount of snow for its consistency. When its that wet and gets deep, it kicks my ass. First couple runs on the untracked were sublime. Here's hoping for som deep fluffy storms to come. Pretty packed when we called it quits, about 10:30.

Best conditions I’ve skied this season at Greek was today… by far. Hero snow
The Dunk and I got in a few hours yesterday - the snow was kind of wet and heavy, but there sure was a lot of it! Chair 5 wasn't open but we hit the glades under chair 4 a few times and that was mighty nice! Love us some Greek Peak, here's hoping they don't lose too much snow this week...
Nice! You got in the trees? Dang! Had to be a bit thin in there, no?
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Skied Greek this AM
Had one of those days things just didn’t feel right. Was it me or snow who knows. The snow just felt weird to me. Maybe wax? Maybe my bum back?
But holy snow squalls, they got a couple good ones. They were so hard I couldn’t hardly see and also giving me vertigo.
So true! When I was heading up to the cabin there were times I couldn't see! Crazy wind and snow. WOW