Greek Peak Conditions

I did. I was just thinking that I am not sure that I like the wax I bought. I don't know if I'm putting it on too thick, or what, but it just doesn't seem as smooth as the Swix that came with the kit I bought. I haven't really skied enough on it to tell if it's me, or the wax. Probably, it's just me. Tomorrow is another day. :)
Maybe wrong temp wax. I run blue all season and when it’s warmer I can tell
Some times I leave too much on and I need to scrape them again after I try to ski. Be careful what you use as a scraper though. I broke a credit card once
I wonder if that's what I did. They looked pretty gloopy this morning when I took them outside to put in the car.
I did. I was just thinking that I am not sure that I like the wax I bought. I don't know if I'm putting it on too thick, or what, but it just doesn't seem as smooth as the Swix that came with the kit I bought. I haven't really skied enough on it to tell if it's me, or the wax. Probably, it's just me. Tomorrow is another day. :)
That wax will work fine tomorrow. That wet sticky stuff today could have used a warmer wax. Any yellow would have worked.
Same thing
Right now think it Swix but pretty much all color code out the same color for temp. It could also be he doesn’t have enough structure on his base and like he said to much wax. I generally scrape then roto brush, really saves time.
Right now think it Swix but pretty much all color code out the same color for temp. It could also be he doesn’t have enough structure on his base and like he said to much wax. I generally scrape then roto brush, really saves time.
*Ahem*. She. She also went and grabbed her skis out of her car and removed some extra wax. She is looking forward trying again tomorrow. ;)

And, a big ol' duh. I have a can of something* in the basement that I picked up from Brandon for sticky days. There it sits...

ETA: *MaxxWaxx
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REALLY nice day today! The light was better, the snow was lovely, and it wasn't raining. ?

I think that removing the extra wax from my skis helped as well. Thanks for helping me figure that out. ?