Greek Peak Conditions

First day out this season for me at Greek. Gotta say it didn’t suck, yeah ice could be found but stick to edges and it was better then expected.
I started skiing at 2:00 and got done at 4:00, didn’t want to push it being first day. It was snowing pretty much the whole time, bad enough it was hard to see at times.
I was impressed with conditions considering the rain they got Friday night. How do I know? well went up Friday because it was supposed to snow but it poured. Sat in truck watching the radar and playing solitaire then drove away.
All and all was a good couple hours, no complaints at all.
The conditions have been pretty good considering the recent weather. 1A didn't spin today, I think there were mechanical issues. Line got pretty sizable on the quad. We went over to 4, but how many times can you ski Trojan before you're bored to tears. Made the mistake of going down Kristy's early, they hadn't gotten the closed sign up yet. It was brutal, but skiable. There's still a lot of snow on upper Labyrinth, skied it Friday, but passed today. We skied lower Labyrinth and Trojan woods Friday, but they were both very thin.


Should be pretty good tomorrow morning, couple inches down in Binghamton now. I would expect 4", or more, up top at Greek by opening.
1A did end up spinning around 1:00. Had my eyes on webcam and wasn’t gonna make the trip with the lines I seen. Pretty much skied right to 1A whole time without it being more then 3 deep.
1A did end up spinning around 1:00. Had my eyes on webcam and wasn’t gonna make the trip with the lines I seen. Pretty much skied right to 1A whole time without it being more then 3 deep.
Yeah, people don't seem to like 1A, usually is ski on when they open it, unless it is really busy. We definitely need another substantial storm.
Two inches at my house, 25 minutes from GP. I am off to do my skis.


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Skication day 1. Misty and 33 degrees today. The snow was a bit sticky. The nice thing about skiing during the week is that GP doesn't open until 9:30. I feel completely lazy, knowing that I don't have to rush to get there before it gets crowded.
Good surface early today. Good grooming on the runs that were open. Fog seemed to increase during the morning, especially near the top of the Visions lift. All in all, a good day considering it was too humid to make snow last night.
Skication day 1. Misty and 33 degrees today. The snow was a bit sticky. The nice thing about skiing during the week is that GP doesn't open until 9:30. I feel completely lazy, knowing that I don't have to rush to get there before it gets crowded.
Gotta love that sticky snow, great for the base
Skication day 1. Misty and 33 degrees today. The snow was a bit sticky. The nice thing about skiing during the week is that GP doesn't open until 9:30. I feel completely lazy, knowing that I don't have to rush to get there before it gets crowded.
Lol I thought you waxed your skis yesterday?
Lol I thought you waxed your skis yesterday?
I did. I was just thinking that I am not sure that I like the wax I bought. I don't know if I'm putting it on too thick, or what, but it just doesn't seem as smooth as the Swix that came with the kit I bought. I haven't really skied enough on it to tell if it's me, or the wax. Probably, it's just me. Tomorrow is another day. :)