Greek Peak Conditions

To be fair to the writer, it's a challenge to write about people who aren't part of your socioeconomic group without being condescending or to observe them like zoo animals. Sorry if I'm making a mountain out of a molehill.
To be fair to the writer, it's a challenge to write about people who aren't part of your socioeconomic group without being condescending or to observe them like zoo animals. Sorry if I'm making a mountain out of a molehill.
Story sounded like she lived a ski bum's daughter early life.
Kinda like a coal miner’s daughter with snow.
Might explain her perspective as a “grownup” writer.
Story sounded like she lived a ski bum's daughter early life.
That was a nice detail about stuffing towels under the motel door in SLC to keep out the cold drafts while sleeping on the floor. I remember doing that at the Magic View Motel in December 2002 when it was -18 overnight.

Yup. And the part about sitting thru a condo selling spiel to get the “free" steak dinner to split.