Gore Mountain Conditions

It seems like they didn’t turn the clocks forward.
I think this is why we skied until 3:30 :)

The clocks in the summit shacks were an hour behind and we didn't make the connection!
So true!
Many years ago I had one of the best skiing days ever at Gore. I was living in VT. My buddy and I were heading to a ski school party when my grandfather called. It was raining in VT, my grandfather told me it was puking in Bakers Mills. We skipped the party and headed to my grandparents house. We woke up to 20+ at their house, even more on the top of Gore. We had a great day!
Was it in ’93?
There were a couple of 20+ storms in late season that year. “The Blizzard of ’93”
& another later on, April 23 1993.
We skied one of ‘em afterwards. If Gore was still open for the late April storm that mighta been the one we skied just afterwards cause it was sunny and warm with ladies skiing in bikinis. Broke a boot on the bumps. Twas great fun.
Nah I’m with you too. It seems like they didn’t turn the clocks forward. Opening an hour late is pretty crazy with no winds . And they didn’t open summit until 930. I was one of the people waiting for the rope drop.
The summit lifts don’t usually open for riders until 9:00 on a “normal” day. Sunday morning the mountain had changed drastically snow wise (for the better) from the day before.

Are ya experienced in mountain ops-safety efficiencies?
If so put in a job application and ya might just be able to help shave a few minutes for the folks waiting for rope drops...

If not count yer blessings and/or introduce yerself.
...the wind... Looks like some risk, maybe on the gondola. If so brave the quad, and skate to the high peaks chair. Then move over to straightbrook, out of the wind. If you get up top, stay there.
Free refills with the wind knocking it ❄️ off the trees at 4:10 ...
Nah I’m with you too. It seems like they didn’t turn the clocks forward. Opening an hour late is pretty crazy with no winds . And they didn’t open summit until 930. I was one of the people waiting for the rope drop.
FYI the mountain opens from bottom to top. It’s not unusual for the ropes to drop on trails to the summit lifts until well after 9am on a normal day, let alone one where everything’s buried in 10-20 inches. I concur with Campgottagopee, some pharmaceutical relief may be in order.
Does their webmeister(s) try to contradict themselves?

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There’s nothing on the “activities & events" calendar for today.
Take the marketing report, both the afternoon before and the “morning update,” with a large dose of salts. It appears that the narrative at the top and the lift/trail status lists below are prepared by different staff possibly at different times, and the probability of accuracy of both/either are variable. If you really want to know what’s happening on Echo, which was open today as per the narrative, go here

some pharmaceutical relief may be in order.
If after skiing on almost a couple feet of fresh snow with a top rope drop and ya come onto a skiblogforumthingy🍺 for the 1st time with only that BS complaint, the farma industry (weed and/or pills) might not have much of anything to treat it with.
However more snow therapy 🏂⛷️may be prescribed.
I hope I didn't steer you wrong on the wind @dubstar. Looks like some risk, maybe on the gondola. If so brave the quad, and skate to the high peaks chair. Then move over to straightbrook, out of the wind. If you get up top, stay there.
We did exactly what you suggested, got several runs there before moving on to other pods.
For some perspective on the effect of the wind at other areas, at Whiteface Facelift, Gondola, Summit Quad, Little Whiteface, and Lookout were closed all day. At Bromley the summit lifts were on wind hold all day, so all there was were two old fixed doubles which got you to 3/4. Jiminy’s high speed summit lift went on wind hold at 130, another lift was down all day, so after that time they were down to one short lift servicing three trails.
Thank the deity of your choice for this hodgepodge of mountains, pods, lifts and trails. With the main lift down all day, all the others ran with no major problems and you could get to all the open terrain.
Keep Gore weird.
This is for Mad man. The summit is rarely open from top to bottom at opening bell. If you are first on Gondi, you are not skiing Uncas or Pine Knot. If you hop on AEII, you are not going down Wood In. They were 15 minutes late and we got freshies on Quicksilver then over to Sagmore...by then we could have gone up...Not Yet!...Anyone who skied Gore on Sunday and has an operational issue, should not come to Gore. Thank you ops for getting up and running so quickly after a late season blessing. Sunday is what I live for...Today there was more skiing at Gore than WF. Wind sucks but Gore is less affected.
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