Gore Mountain Conditions

What other lift are they supposed to run at the base that would shorten the line with the gondola waiting for a gearbox?
Who knows if this was accurate on Monday after the storm?

If ya was a greener ya mighta had a wait.
Today got a lot better once the upper lifts opened and people could spread out. The powder is basically gone, but Chatiemac and Hawkeye did ski better after a groom. I thought everything was good except Showcase and Open Pit. Snowmaking is on Lower Sleighride to Pot Luck to The Arena, Hedges, and Backwoods. Ultimately it was worth a vacation day, but I still preferred Sunday with the fresh snow.






I also finally caught a ride on the Bear Cub Quad. It's slow, but not as slow as I thought it would be, and it should work really well as a beginner lift. It's really for people who've never skied before, as it's next step up from the magic carpet.






They changed the update today: “We are expecting the Northwoods Gondola to be back in operation by the middle of this week.”

The Beck’s Tavern instagram saying the mechanic is on site today.
What do you think the chances are that Ops is using this 10-14 days of gondola down time to perform some deferred maintenance to get the beast into good shape so this doesn’t happen again? Or maybe not? I mean, what could go wrong?
What do you think the chances are that Ops is using this 10-14 days of gondola down time to perform some deferred maintenance to get the beast into good shape so this doesn’t happen again?

This has been going on for 5 years. What makes you think it would be any different now?
This was the queue to get to High Peaks chair around 9:20 Saturday morning,. Went all the way up the hill into Upper Wood In. Next lap there was no line at all. 🤷‍♂️
They really should have kept that lift a double. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: