Gore Mountain Conditions

The morning red snake seems to be a more common occurrence now. I think the cause of this is people hesitating at the upper/Lot E decision point. It's impossible to tell if the upper lot is full or not. If you go up there and it is full, then you'll circle around and still end up in Lot E. Being early helps, but if everyone is early, then no one is early.

The lack of any organization of the lift lines is a huge problem that I've experienced on previous trips. No matter how long the lines are, you still see repeated 2s and 3s going up the quad chairs. They used to have alternating or front row style queues with singles lines at all major lifts. Now only the gondola does and the cabins still go up half full. It's been getting worse for years. When they added RFID and especially after covid, they just stopped caring about how long the lines are and whether they are loading efficiently.
Not to get political but ski mountains also don't pay particularly well. Raise the rate to $40/hour and they'll find someone. (Ignore the number but head the larger point)
Consider taking the money from the coster and the Ski bowl lodge and pay that out in wages over x years . . . .
I drove through the storm on Saturday from Saratoga and still got my spot right next to the lift. Everybody needs help not just a NYS ski area that doesn't have the luxury of hiring foreign workers and only has a small pool of potential employees to pick from, like destination resorts. It's Gore, the mountain that people continue to complain about but keep coming to...complain. I was on the first chair on the Hudson Chair with a lifer who complained all morning despite getting first tracks on many trails and we managed to stay away from any crowds. He left at lunch time and said it was probably the best ski day he has had in a while(and he skis nearly every day...at Gore). If you don't like the quirkieness of Gore, go to Stratton, Stowe, Okemo or the Beast. I love my home mountain and Saturday was the best day of the year for me. Bell to Bell, wanted to, but my back and knees would not have lasted long yesterday. I'll be back in the next day or two...
Agree 100%. When I made the comment about arriving at 750 I wasn’t complaining - just stating fact. When I end up in Lot E it’s no one’s fault but my own:)
Gore isn't a tiny mom and pop bump, it's a large sprawling operation that makes millions in revenue (and receives more from our tax dollars), and advertises heavily in the tri state area.

Congrats that you live in Saratoga and can get there early on a pow Day. I drive 8 hours to ski gore and pay for lodging and food. I don't think parking attendants is a big ask - all considered.