Going Under the Knife

Yesterday was 9 years, 431 ski days, and 11,676 bike miles on the new hip
Gotta have a Chip loop monitor implanted next couple of weeks to Monitor heart rate.

I have been fine for 14 months no issues But the cardiology electrophysicist at St Joe"s in Syr wants me to have a second ablation to get off some drugs which may have some nasty longterm implications,

I "May " do it in the fall IF the chip data substantiate the advisability.

It's a tuff call since I AM feeling so good and hate to eff that up ,but the Potential long term benefit MAY be a good thing

The damn skeptic in me says at 81 Don't mess with success which my primary Dr had advised, But the cardiologist and electrphysiologists are pushing it

I have 2 friends both 10 to 15 yrs younger who had FAILED second ablation one is a recently retired RN

Beotsch of a decision I'm on the fence right now.

I will do the chip loop implant not sure if it knocks me out of golf 🤔 for awhile

On a good note Been 15 yrs since open heart.and 7 yrs since hip replacement and I'm still on the Right side of the grass and enjoying life
@Warp daddy is it worth going to NYC for a second opinion?
Might be an easy teleconsult since it's data driven off recorded loop output 24/ 7. The implant determines if it's AFib or Aflutter.

First ablation was for Flutter but last icu stint was Fib

It is very complex and I have one friend who has had two ablations and he is both fib and flutter it changes. Damn it