Going Under the Knife

Moira and I are sending positive vibes, however that can help, Just rest up like a dawg:
store dawg.jpg
This is what they're going to put in my left upper chest just under the skin between sternum and left nipple.

Can play golf shower live normal life ,can stay in 4 yrs sends signals 24/7 to cardiologist who follows up with monthly report.

will tell if in a fib or a flutter or if u r in sinus rhythm. Can then see if further need for ablation .....

15 minute surgery nothing but local anesthesia . GO HOME SAME DAY, PLAY GOLF Next day 😀 can go thru airport security no alarm but my damn titanium hip will set it off. Hell I'm bionic now

Ain't technology grand ,can be easily removed whenever or stay in and change battery every 4 yrs

So waiting for date to do the deed :)

Can you stream some rawk'n tunes and ball gamez on that thing!?

Keep hanging tough Dubya-D!!!