Going Under the Knife

Almost 6 weeks with zero pain. Before and after

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Just before deer season started I rolled my right ankle on a curb at work and fell. Landed on my right knee.

Long story short, I have a root tear meniscus in my right knee. So, yet another knee surgery is in my somewhat immediate future. I'm thinking of April 1st. Up to 6 weeks in a soft cast and crutches. F!

No skiing or any real sled riding for me this year yet again.
Man that sucks, just some bad luck.

If you aren't going to ski or ride why not get it done now?
Just before deer season started I rolled my right ankle on a curb at work and fell. Landed on my right knee.

Long story short, I have a root tear meniscus in my right knee. So, yet another knee surgery is in my somewhat immediate future. I'm thinking of April 1st. Up to 6 weeks in a soft cast and crutches. F!

No skiing or any real sled riding for me this year yet again.
I am sorry Camp - sending positive vibes.
Man that sucks, just some bad luck.

If you aren't going to ski or ride why not get it done now?
Timing. I have some projects going on at my house that need to be wrapped up before I can be in recovery mode.

I may be able to do it in February but won't know that until i talk with some contractors. It's hard enough getting them here. Pushing them off might be worse!
that sucks @Campgottagopee, hope all goes well.

A few weeks ago my wife got taken out by another rider on her second day out, shoulder and season is fugged. scheduled for rotator cuff surgery next Thursday :(

kudos to Indy and ORDA for deferring pass and FSC to next season...
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No skiing or any real sled riding for me this year yet again.
Good luck & heal well.
My left knees not too bad now but is stiffer a bit more or less some days, may be due to the shitty weather. Gonna brace it when I next get on snow.
Greek has 45 buck Tuesday's skiing starting after New Year’s so may pop over when there’s some proper snow.
I’ll buy ya some pain reliever 🍺 if yer around.
Just before deer season started I rolled my right ankle on a curb at work and fell. Landed on my right knee.

Long story short, I have a root tear meniscus in my right knee. So, yet another knee surgery is in my somewhat immediate future. I'm thinking of April 1st. Up to 6 weeks in a soft cast and crutches. F!

No skiing or any real sled riding for me this year yet again.