Garden Harvest

Blueberries are finally done, just a few here and there.
Tomatoes coming on strong to make up for it.
Anyone have tips on asparagus? I know I need to get it started in 2 weeks-ish? 6-8" trough, plenty of chicken poop, and good dirt. It takes a couple years to show a yield. Anything else I should know?

We'll get plenty of sun and it will be below my pond so watering won't be an issue.
Anyone have tips on asparagus? I know I need to get it started in 2 weeks-ish? 6-8" trough, plenty of chicken poop, and good dirt. It takes a couple years to show a yield. Anything else I should know?

We'll get plenty of sun and it will be below my pond so watering won't be an issue.

I don't know much about asparagus, except that it takes a lot o plants to make dinner for 8.

Always seemed like the skinny ones were tastier.

And they don't last too long maybe 3-5 seasons.

So yea, I don't got any tips. :rolleyes:
Anyone have tips on asparagus? I know I need to get it started in 2 weeks-ish? 6-8" trough, plenty of chicken poop, and good dirt. It takes a couple years to show a yield. Anything else I should know?

We'll get plenty of sun and it will be below my pond so watering won't be an issue.
just cooking
Anyone have tips on asparagus? I know I need to get it started in 2 weeks-ish? 6-8" trough, plenty of chicken poop, and good dirt. It takes a couple years to show a yield. Anything else I should know?

We'll get plenty of sun and it will be below my pond so watering won't be an issue.
At the house we grew up my brother put in an asparagrass patch in some soil from the decomposition of wood chips from when I worked at the tree service.
Just dumped em off the truck at the end of the driveway and it all turned into nice dirt eventually. (No rocks).

Keeping the weeds out of it and keep up with the picking is the most work. He doesn’t fertilize that I know of, but it shouldn’t hurt.

That stuff'll make yer pee smell funny.
Need to catch them in the wild.