Fish Tales

This is as much to memorialize the best day my son and I have had fishing...
As previously mentioned, Saturday dawned frostier than expected at 24 degrees, which dampened our enthusiasm to fish the crack of dawn.
The effort paid off. .. Casting downstream, pulling a fly-spinner combination back up the channel, netted a quick hit and scored me my first ever trout.
All in all it was a really fun day, and as much as I enjoyed the fishing it was quality time with my son that made the day.
Priceless ?
I went fishing out of my boat in the winter for a few years.
Ya gotta bundle up but they’ll bite.

That trout is a beauty. You are definitely hooked now! What a cool way to spend time with your son. I like how you are figuring it out together. It is an art as much as it is a science. For the record I always had faith in you. Maybe the full moon helped you out.?
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A fishing trip report is in order. It’s a lengthy report, move along if you don’t want to invest time reading my story. This is as much to memorialize the best day my son and I have had fishing than it is for your reading pleasure.
Don't underestimate the importance of this ...

When my son was younger, we took three cross-country camping trips together ... the first when he was 11, the second when he was 13, and the third when he was 15. We dubbed those trips our Excellent Adventure, The Bogus Journey and The Fantastic Voyage.

I had created a blog so that we could document the trips as we went, so that my family and friends could follow along on our adventures. He's 21 now, and I imagine the days of our big adventures together are behind us, but I often go back and read through those posts recalling the experiences we shared.

After reading your post, I went back and dusted off my blog for a refresher ... I did the same a few weeks ago after reading Gorgonzola's posts about his recent trip through the Southwest ... As mentioned in another post ... these experiences are priceless!!!
I ain’t gonna lie…’s the beginning of the ski season but I’m watching as much trout porn as ski porn, currently. Enjoy the ski season whilst looking forward to the trout season!
My son caught a bass smaller than that first one in a housing development pond in Jax, so you can’t claim SMALLER fish, too!

Of course… pics, did’n, there’s that.

My son and I fished for about 3 hours on Fishkill Creek near Madam Brett this afternoon. Waders and boots for Christmas!! Yeah…we caught squat. Winter fishing ain’t for me, even if the air temp warms. However, the time spent in the current with my son was well worth the investment, fish or not. We talked about spring and the upcoming trout season….
My son and I fished for about 3 hours on Fishkill Creek near Madam Brett this afternoon. Waders and boots for Christmas!! Yeah… the time spent in the current with my son was well worth the investment, fish or not. We talked about spring and the upcoming trout season….
"Many men go fishing their entire lives without knowing it isn't fish they're after" - H.D. Thoreau