Fall Weather 2023

Yeah, Stab control & abs saved us from a likely serious crash a few years back. 70+ mph, 3 lanes of heavy traffic dry roads.. I was in the left lane, idiot came shooting accros from the right lane,I mashed the brakes & swerved left anto the shoulder, Don't know how i wasn't hit. After my heart stopped pounding I remembered hearing the beeping/squaking of the ABS & Trac Control kicking in, definitely saved a crash. Veh that caused the near miss never slowed down and kept on driving like a lunatic of course.
And I forgot to mention in addition to the above, back then, NYS did not use 100% salt and did not have a "bare road" policy. So we also had the added bonus of packed snow and ice on roads at times and even ruts.
In Potsdam all they put-on was ground up red Potsdam sandstone. Salt doesn’t work below a certain temp.
Folks could get grip with that stuff.
Last time that happened to me I laid on the horn and floored it. My son, who I was in the midst of teaching to be a cautious, responsible driver, and had the semi trying to merge into his lap in the passenger seat, looked at me and was like “jeez, I thought you were gonna hit the brakes but instead you decided to assert your dominance.” I found that funny. Not sure if it was a good or bad example for him as a new driver though
Sometimes one is better off gunning it than hitting the brakes.
Okay, this is long range but you might have an opportunity to test your snow driving techniques real soon.

Here it ❄️ comes.
Screenshot 2023-10-21 at 9.45.23 PM.png

Granted this is indexed against the new warmer averages, but it feels unusual. Like old normal.