Fall Weather 2022

this low will be news worthy..darn thing goes in the low 960's ...so many isobars....
then like you mentioned earlier, once this passes we go into a very warm pattern...
Is it time to make dang popcorn?
Somebody should start a Winter thread soon.
It just means more.
❄️ ❄️
Bring your Tacks for Saturday!!
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This system is insane
Light snow to heavy rain to heavy snow. Winds could approach 100mph
It’s Thur night and friday
Still a lot can change.
Exciting stuff
This system is insane
Light snow to heavy rain to heavy snow. Winds could approach 100mph
It’s Thur night and friday
Still a lot can change.
Exciting stuff
Would be exciting if the storm was east of us, nothing exciting about a grinch cutter
Praying for no mudslide type events like at Belleayre recently. Also looks like quite a black ice setup Friday night into Saturday.