F Vail

Different color of blue but ya could just change yer coat.
If they got time for folks playing shenanigans they just might be better off to focus time on customer service.
There’s a chance it could help.
Looks like someone spent time roping off the area later when there wan’t as much snow onit. Same blue jacketed skier in clip.
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No phones will fix things? WTF
Actually, this is a good thing. Too many clowns are addicted to their screens and cannot be occupied with something like conversation. I saw lots of "important" screen use while ignoring the request to step out of the corral and get on the lift. Then there is the struggle to stuff the phone in a pocket and put the gloves back on.
Whoda thunk it?
In order to turn that around they will raise prices, buying mountains, raise prices again and buy up more continuing the process till they own the whole thing. On top of that there will be further Disneyfication in order to develop new income streams.
@Stu is my friend and I REALLY try to support his efforts any way I can. I do read every newsletter, but somehow can't bring myself to listen to a pod.

Someone listen and report back? ?

Lots of driving today- so far I learned he’s a Hunter/Stratton guy and Vail CEO was his first job in the industry
Yeah, but, not his first job. Finance guy.

I'm going to go rant in the Katz thread. This deserves it's own discussion.