F Vail

i went through this a couple of years ago...600 plus 50$ here and there to get them some what ok
I’m still hopeful they just need to break in a bit. They offered free boot fitting during the purchase but in honesty not that motivated to see it through, at least right now.

At this rate I might get them broken in by next December.
My daughter's boyfriend wanted to learn to ski this year. He's never skied, and is probably interested Basically the initial investment scared him away. (I volunteered to pay for the lesson.)
Help him find some good boots of the kind of skiing yer daughter likes. She could help him cause ya know women like to pick out shoes...
You guys can't expect Vail (insert Resorts Inc.) to act in the best interest of skiing Vail Resorts Inc?
That’s too EZ of a question. Yup, both in the short and/or long run. Skiing is a just the means to market their ancillary stuff. Some folks who like love skiing and the mountains they run their show on ain’t happy with their antics.
That's not how it works. None of us run our business for the good of all, we do what we do to be profitable. Why would Vail be any different? Once you add the whole "publicly traded" thing into the mix, you can't expect motivations to extend much beyond the next quarter.
Don’t forget bonu$e$ & option$ going into the execs pocket, before the shareholders get their cut (if they put profit$ on the books).
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My daughter's boyfriend wanted to learn to ski this year. He's never skied, and is probably interested mostly because he wants to be part of our daughter's life.

He changed his mind based on the cost of two days of skiing. Lift tickets, ski rental (choose between a more somewhat sane process for a season rental, or the insane process of renting at the mountain - both expensive) and we thought he should have at least one lesson.

Basically the initial investment scared him away. (I volunteered to pay for the lesson.)
This is my whole point of why the Vail plan will eventually fail.
One of my ski buddies has twin daughters. Both were ski racers in highschool and one did club racing in college. They both met their non skiing boy friends, now husbands, in college. Both of the husbands are now excellent skiers in their late twenties. Skiing was much more reasonable even less than ten years ago.Now your daughters boyfriend was scared away by the insane prices.
Baby Boomers are aging out and new people aren't taking up the sport due to the very high costs. True, independent hills are less costly but even those mountains have raised their prices well over the inflation rate. As they saw Vail raise prices they did too. Staying well under Vail but still higher than they would have without Vails influence.
Oh yeah. I’ve only skied in them two days. One day was two runs and the other was two hours. I’m going to give them a few more days to see and then decide.

They could very likely be my last ski boots I purchase though.
What kind of boots did ya get?

I could use some new ones but the ones I ski are warm, comfortable and fit like a glove..
My daughter's boyfriend wanted to learn to ski this year. He's never skied, and is probably interested mostly because he wants to be part of our daughter's life.

He changed his mind based on the cost of two days of skiing. Lift tickets, ski rental (choose between a more somewhat sane process for a season rental, or the insane process of renting at the mountain - both expensive) and we thought he should have at least one lesson.

Basically the initial investment scared him away. (I volunteered to pay for the lesson.)

You guys can't expect Vail to act in the best interest of skiing. That's not how it works. None of us run our business for the good of all, we do what we do to be profitable. Why would Vail be any different? Once you add the whole "publicly traded" thing into the mix, you can't expect motivations to extend much beyond the next quarter.
Wow sticker shock for me as well.

I was just going to book a private lesson for my wife this weekend at Stratton just to get tuned up for our Taos trip in 3 weeks. We will be in the area visiting our daughter, that's why Stratton. $649 for 3 hours!!! That can't be right, but it is. A group lesson is $200.

As Crazy Eddie use to say, prices are insane!!
i went through this a couple of years ago...600 plus 50$ here and there to get them some what ok
This is my fear. I've put off buying boots for as long as possible. Current pair were a discount online purchase. Best boots I've ever had. Got lucky I guess, but 15 years and well over 300 skis days later they need to be put to rest.
My daughter's boyfriend wanted to learn to ski this year. He's never skied, and is probably interested mostly because he wants to be part of our daughter's life.

He changed his mind based on the cost of two days of skiing. Lift tickets, ski rental (choose between a more somewhat sane process for a season rental, or the insane process of renting at the mountain - both expensive) and we thought he should have at least one lesson.

Basically the initial investment scared him away. (I volunteered to pay for the lesson.)

You guys can't expect Vail to act in the best interest of skiing. That's not how it works. None of us run our business for the good of all, we do what we do to be profitable. Why would Vail be any different? Once you add the whole "publicly traded" thing into the mix, you can't expect motivations to extend much beyond the next quarter.
Mount Peter
Or fold him into your trip when Holiday gets open.
Mount Peter
Or fold him into your trip when Holiday gets open.
The point was for him to join us on our Christmas trip. Which didn't happen. (Which honestly was OK with me!)