Thank you.
Some of the most clueless insensible people I know have MBAs or other advanced degrees. MBAs and consultants have fucked up more corporations than just about anything else.
I worked for Time Life, which became Time Warner, than AOL Time Warner (hoo boy), and now, all of it doesn't even exist anymore. Gone. Poof. As late as 2002, the largest publisher in the world, with a famous and highly respected TV studio attached (HBO), and one of the most respected music labels, too. All gone. (HBO Max just took HBO off of their name. Now is just Max). I never thought I'd see this day in my lifetime.
It took me like two months and three interviews to get hired, but, finally, I thought, wow, I'm in the Big Time. I had a nice well paying but looked down upon production job, so I wasn't a guy in a prep tie and button down shirt. But, jezuz, was I kind of slackjawed at the dumb asses I had to listen to and work for at times. It was really eye opening, and I watched them destroy a company, so, yeah, I learned a long time ago that educational credentials and nepotistic networks are more poison than anything. But, it's really getting out of hand these days, if this Bud Light marketing genius is any indication.
Maybe she got hired during Covid and flew under the radar until, well, now. WFH hides some bad stuff.