F Vail

Sure but their Ikon status has still changed their experience from what I hear.

DV’s choice to become part of ikon still leaves me scratching my head. It cheapens (not in a good way) their product I’d imagine.
Yeah, uh, my point was, Epic, Ikon, same thing. Like Republican, Democrat. Although Ikon is better, at the moment.

My head is scratched, too. I always thought the whole point of DV was keeping out people like me.
Ikon, and a Ski3 frequent skier card.

Still no turns yet. Please stop raining. Funny, though, I checked the cams at both Stratton and Killington at high traffic spots on Monday at 2pm, and, nobody there. And, it wasn't that cold.
This is absolutely Epic, Benny.
Someday I'll tell you my only black person at DV story, but, that might offend here. It's funny, though, in a time of rapidly increasing inequality, especially in skiing, DV has become somewhat more egalitarian. As long as you don't try actually buying and moving in.
Well, back to the title of this thread. I can definitely see Vail throwing minor mountains in their portfolio, especially in the East, over the side. Who will buy them, especially if it's more than one every season?
Vail has never sold a resort, and they just pumped a bunch of money into several legacy Peak resorts that many thought would be sold off. While I expected Mount Snow to eventually get new lifts from Vail, I did not expect Attitash, Jack Frost, or Big Boulder to. They have also restored some of the operating hours they cut over the past two seasons, and are reinstating summer operations at Attitash, which haven't happened since the acquisition.

Attitash in particular had suffered years of neglect under Peak Resorts, and before them ASC. They were held back from reaching their full potential by one lift, the Summit Triple. It was perhaps the most hated lift in the Northeast, a 6200 foot fixed grip that took 15 minutes to ride, and that was their main lift. That's getting replaced in 2023, which will hopefully get them the skier visits they deserve.
I always thought the whole point of DV was keeping out people like me.
Back in the day (15+ years ago), the only way mere mortals could ski DV was the Quick Start program, where you flew into SLC first thing in the morning and used your boarding pass to get a free day ticket at one of the Park City ski areas. That's how I was able to could afford lunch there.

Back in the day (15+ years ago), the only way mere mortals could ski DV was the Quick Start program, where you flew into SLC first thing in the morning and used your boarding pass to get a free day ticket at one of the Park City ski areas. That's how I was able to could afford lunch there.
I skied there 15 years ago. Parked in a parking garage and walked into what felt like a hotel lobby. The bathrooms are what I remember most not the skiing
I always thought the whole point of DV was keeping out people like me.

Repeating myself...

Benny I totally relate to your current sig, and look forward to the day (2 years) when I'm no longer working on Maggie's Farm no mo.

But that quote above is certainly sig worthy.