F Vail

The jury had sympathy in this one.

"Herzog’s lawyers asked for a $1 million settlement during closing arguments, but the jury ordered the defendants to pay over double that amount, totaling $2,402,000."
Looks like Vail's looking for new and/or another lawyer.
Well they at least used the word “snowmaking" once in their 4Q/Full Year press release.

"Including shares repurchased during the fourth quarter, for the year ended July 31, 2022, the Company repurchased 304,567 shares of common stock at an average price of $246.27 for a total of approximately $75.0 million. We intend to maintain an opportunistic approach to share repurchases."

And never used the word “snow”. Imagine that.
Yup. They came out with their new 1Q earnings report after the close.
The word snow was used twice in reference to Australia and again in forward looking statements regarding disruption of water supply.
The word snowmaking was used once in reference to Europe (Sedrun.-intermediate trail snowmaking improvement plans )
Never mentioned the “epic” snow going on out westin the early season.
Why not?
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Reminds me of my two hour wait at Hunter along with a few hundred others in the parking lot wondering when the mountain would open, only to hear that, due to "staffing issues", they weren't opening. Still waiting for at least an e-mail form letter apology for that one. Maybe when the temperature starts dropping fast in hell.
Reminds me of my two hour wait at Hunter along with a few hundred others in the parking lot wondering when the mountain would open, only to hear that, due to "staffing issues", they weren't opening. Still waiting for at least an e-mail form letter apology for that one. Maybe when the temperature starts dropping fast in hell.
Was that this season?
Yup and I will continue to use that story as a means to say that Vail sucks. It's remarkable to me in this day and age that happened. Just a simple E-mail, that's all I would expect. Nope, nada. Awful CS. They are so arrogant that they act as though they're the only game in town. Maybe to local locals, like the poor Stowe or Vail homeowners (haha, poor) but not me and millions of others. Or, maybe it's just clueless incompetence. That would amaze me, considering the shareholder money wrapped up in the business of hospitality.
They were able to get away with this crap for years when money was free, just gobbling up mountains and ignoring customer experience, because it all Excel sheeted nicely at earnings time, but it's a different world now that money isn't free, and I hope it screws them up as much as it's messing with the tech bros who were treated like business Gods. Unfortunately, some mountains are going to go down, especially in the East, when they really have to cut costs, and who will step in and save them? Won't be Vail, everybody's mythical savior for a decade and a half.

I blame Katz. Dude barely skis. And, even though she's CEO, I have a feeling he's still running shit into the ground as chairman or whatever he is. Probably still rides around in the jet. With his family.
Another thing about marketing and CS. Can't argue that I'm their perfect demographic. Serious skier, retired with time to travel, a bank account. And yet, since I've been gone, not one, "hey, where ya been? Coming back? Here's a deal. Here's what's new in Vail World" Nope. Nada. Every other thing I buy these days, especially on the internet, is followed by a how did we do survey. Never from them. It's like they really could care less.