Dog Thread

I'll add that I bet you guys were nervous af. I take Doc off leash every weekend up to the cabin. He normally stays around darn good, but there are a handful of times he's wandered off and I can't see him. I'll call and whistle, normally he comes right back because he knows he's getting a treat. When he doesn't I'll call - whistle, call - whistle, etc, then nervously wait until he shows up. I know he's just being a pup but still worry. Anything happens to that boy on my watch my ass will 100% be nailed to the barn door, as they

You are correct, totally nervous. She took off in the direction of hundreds of acres of bush, bog, pond, swamp, deer, moose, wolves, basically dawg heaven. I was composing the "lost dog post" for Facebook in my head just before she bounded out of the woods. "Ermegerd, human, I'm so glad to see you and I've had such an adventure!!!"

I've had other dogs go MIA but fortunately all have returned safe and sound. These are among the worst hours of your life.
At first your pissed they took off. Then nervousness and the what ifs creep in. Then out of no where they show back up. Big relief then the anger comes back. Lost my dog in top of porter mountain in the winter. Coming off of Marcy. They know where they are for the most part.
I've had other dogs go MIA but fortunately all have returned safe and sound. These are among the worst hours of your life.
The hounds got out last year (longer story) in the summer after I had played 27 holes of golf and still had shorts on.
Must’ve got jabbed by the briars a couple hundred times on the shins on the trail of them. Took a week for the scabs to heal.
Got em both back after a couple hours.'
If they didn’t bark it’s hard to decipher where the hell they went.
Dogs gonna be dogs.
why don't you guys put a tracking collar on the pups
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Good question.
I don't have an answer other than I don't know why --- lol
Woods aren't massive around me, lots of farm land w/ open fields, truck trails, etc. I feel the chances of him getting away to the point of nobody seeing him are slim.