Dog Thread

Today is National Walk yer Dog Day.
Get some.
I be wearin the rubber boots as it’s damp.
Thought about going skiing for a double header but might just do the 2 walk thingy
Dog genetics are interesting. Our rescued dog, Moira, was very pregnant when she arrived at the foster home about a year ago. She had nine puppies, one died, the rest were adopted out shortly after she was, last June. They were the Schitt's Creek Crew, hence the names. Pregnant in her first heat, she is maybe eight months older than her kids. Here are some pix that show the wide range of feral dog genes.

The mom Moira, back in October:

Moira on Utah rock.jpg

Daughter Stevie, taken recently, likely weighs more than mama:

Stevie puppy March2022.jpg

Daughter Daisy (formerly Twyla) recently, about the same weight as her mom, with flop ears:

Daisy puppy March 2022.jpg

Son Onyx (formerly David), outweighing his mom by over 10 pounds:

Onyx puppy March 2022.jpg
Where the hell did Daisy come from? Thats amazing

I wondered the same thing until we went to the rescue dog reunion in September. The "great white stud" had recently been flown out and might explain things. A litter can have several fathers, in dawg world.
Did you tell him to sit or did he tell you?
He's actually a decent listener. He's been a good boy, still working on a few things but we're getting there.

We've learned that people who are afraid of him freak him the F out. He truly senses it, and doesn't like it at all. It's like he gets afraid, then nervous, the very vocal, which freaks the already scared person out even more.
He's actually a decent listener. He's been a good boy, still working on a few things but we're getting there.

We've learned that people who are afraid of him freak him the F out. He truly senses it, and doesn't like it at all. It's like he gets afraid, then nervous, the very vocal, which freaks the already scared person out even more.
Dog’s are smart.