Dog Thread

One year ago today, Moira Rose gave birth to nine pups in a very caring foster home, not long after being rescued and transported by a fantastic crew of volunteers stretching from Attiwapiskat to Bracebridge, Ontario, and beyond. The Schitt's Creek Crew has gone its separate ways and some of her pups are bigger than her now.

Moira nd new pups.jpg

Today, she was exhausted just thinking about it:

tired Moira today.jpg
Moira had an "accidental off-leash adventure" yesterday. Thankfully she came back after an hour or so of calling, charging out of the forest, soaking wet and puked up pond water for the rest of the afternoon. "Good dog" is all you can say.
I bet she had a blast!!!!
I'll add that I bet you guys were nervous af. I take Doc off leash every weekend up to the cabin. He normally stays around darn good, but there are a handful of times he's wandered off and I can't see him. I'll call and whistle, normally he comes right back because he knows he's getting a treat. When he doesn't I'll call - whistle, call - whistle, etc, then nervously wait until he shows up. I know he's just being a pup but still worry. Anything happens to that boy on my watch my ass will 100% be nailed to the barn door, as they