Dark Side Liftline Photos

I should think we're lucky to have such "issues" to complain about. If Gore/WF weren't propped up by tax payer dollars I wonder what upgrades, if any, we'd be seeing. My guess is it would be lack of upgrades that would be the topic of discussion.
If Gore was correctly operated, this lift would have been replaced in 1994, not shortened because they needed to reuse a less powerful motor from another lift. This was the equivalent of fixing a 1965 Ford Falcon with a 2 cyinder 2 stroke Trabant engine. We need to remember that HP double was earmarked for removal in the 2002 Gore UMP. It only took 18 years to replace the lift.

Interestingly, why is nobody whining about the the removal of the Straightbrook and North doubles? Those classic doubles were awesome. Who can ever forget how wonderful it was to stand around in a lift corral for 20 minutes while waiting to get back up the hill?
Good Times.
Once huge difference I noticed yesterday... There were no lines at the bottom of the new lift, but it dumps a TON of people at the top. Cloud and Open Pit, etc. stayed busier than I’ve ever seen, all day. It will be a shitshow up there when day ticket sales are resumed. MAYBE, an open Lies and Rumor will help...
I should think we're lucky to have such "issues" to complain about. If Gore/WF weren't propped up by tax payer dollars I wonder what upgrades, if any, we'd be seeing. My guess is it would be lack of upgrades that would be the topic of discussion.
Both gore/WF are big enough to have been bought by one of the mega ski corps and upgrades would have been done. It’s the small independent areas which are always at risk for updates. Gore/WF are similar to county jobs which provide vast majority of jobs in these rural areas. I am glad that NYS funds recreational opportunities for its residents such as camping, boating,fishing, and of course skiing.