Coronavirus and Skiing

Don't really understand any vaccine hesitancy, Right off the bat they said that the vaccines were going to be somewhere between 85-90% effective. Simple math would tell you that for every ten thousand people vaccinated at least a 1000 won't be as immunized as the other 9000, BUT all the stats show that vaccinated people don't get as sick and if they do rarely die. I know people who had infections were given an anti-biotic and it didn't cure the infection but does that mean if you get an infection you will say hey it doesn't work. Also yes vaccinated people can carry the virus in their nostrils BUT once again because they usually don't get sick the shedding period is much much shorter, I have an idea if you get sick you go to your doctor, why not ask your doctor, the guy you go to should you get vaccinated, you would trust him/her for any other treatment, if you don't like the answer get a second opinion.
None of the vacc supporters I've read here know more than what the mainstream media is telling them. I get it, and understand. People like me we've studied and dug and have learned, and keep up. We've got treatments ready, or are doing preventive measures. We do not care if you wear a helmet, or your seatbelt, or flip flops when you hike a 14er. We live life as usual, mind our own business. I'm just looking for those mtns that are letting us live, and not pushing the fear. Post mtn names if you know of any. Thanks.
Pretty cool to be able to go where ever to work.

Based on your post in the other thread, you want to work at a ski mountain. Probably going to take a phone call to figure it out.

I was surprised to see how many adaptive programs there are in NY. I'd heard of a few of these, but not nearly all:

I checked out Saddleback, but didn't see anything about rules for employees:

May ultimately add this to the other thread, will leave it for now. See what other input you can get.
Actually calling doesn't work in these circumstances. Ya don't find out till you are at the point of orientation almost. This is why I'm asking here, for a hint, a feel. I just don't know the east mountains, who owns them, if they are conservative, or liberal. Privately owned tend to be more conservative, and push back on group think. Still hoping for folks to give me a few more hints. Thanks for the info. Sweet of you. Can't wait to ski this year. I'm used to early snow, having lived in CO last 14 yrs. I'm used to the Sept Oct gear checks, the Nov Dec training, the early turns snow chatter. Missing CO but it's turned crazy lib. Sad. Please people hold on to choice and freedom. We just want to make turns and push our bodies to the limit.
Can't wait to ski this year. I'm used to early snow, having lived in CO last 14 yrs. I'm used to the Sept Oct gear checks, the Nov Dec training, the early turns snow chatter.
Ha ha, welcome to the northeast. i am used to Christmas thaw/rain events. always hope for a good year. enjoy
You should definitely wear a seatbelt.
Actually calling doesn't work in these circumstances. Ya don't find out till you are at the point of orientation almost. This is why I'm asking here, for a hint, a feel. I just don't know the east mountains, who owns them, if they are conservative, or liberal. Privately owned tend to be more conservative, and push back on group think. Still hoping for folks to give me a few more hints. Thanks for the info. Sweet of you. Can't wait to ski this year. I'm used to early snow, having lived in CO last 14 yrs. I'm used to the Sept Oct gear checks, the Nov Dec training, the early turns snow chatter. Missing CO but it's turned crazy lib. Sad. Please people hold on to choice and freedom. We just want to make turns and push our bodies to the limit.
Platty in my Catskills NY answer s all that in my opinion