LP and it has been a challenge but everything is under control now thanks to those who I have identified and willing to understand my position on how I expect nothing less than the application of ethics and a reasonable level of skilled work applied to my project. I prob sound like the most anal project/micro manager, however, I am not and probably one of the most reasonable customers to deal and work with.
As a former boss used to say to those of choice, "Just do your f'ing job".
Not knocking the workforce in the North Country...there's good and bad everywhere (esp in my state of primary residence). I electrical contracted in the state of NJ for 16 years...kinda have an idea of whats right and wrong when it comes to constructing a residential build. It's not rocket science and if one choses to cut corners, they should be caled out on it. Of course this leads to lots of friction and accusation of micro-management. My take is...well, it's too freakin bad...I'm paying for this, not looking for perfection, and if you are going to completely miss the mark in terms of performance and utilization of materials, then you deserve to get a ration of crap about it. And the claims of "we do things differently up her" is complete bs as cutting corners as demonstrated only exasperated the need for remediation of a host of issues due to corner cutting. The saving grace of my project was I cut bait wile the framing was still exposed and I could see the "bones" of the place and know exactly what needed attention. Unfortunately, I did not sign up to become the GC, however, in the end it will certainly work out better this way. Bottom line: pick and choose one's contractor caerfully. Do the due dilligence required to vet the pool of contractor's to choose from before making the choice to hire one. In my case this actually backfired out of the gate, but as I mentioned, ultimately I will have a better product. I also made a number of friends in the trades as I moved on and found the people who understood how to perform and put in a respectable day's work which was also a huge plus because I know I can count on them in the future if the need arises.