Coronavirus and Skiing

This is a bit extreme. Still, I've seen flatlander disdain in both NY and VT.

I don't ever understand being down on your customers.
This reminds me of the classic bumper sticker, “If it’s tourist season, why can’t we shoot them?”
Back in the day I remembered " Welcome to Vermont Now Go Home" bumper stickers in the Wilmington area. They may still be there but I haven't. I skied Mad River for a dozen years for free thanks to my Vermont boss.
I worked in Bennington for 5 and a few out of Rutland(used to get at least a half day every time we had a meeting in winter) I still enjoy visiting Vermont. I will be officially allowed as of Monday...the day after my home mountain revisit and ski. I will be going to KMart very soon. By the way there will be a DUCK party there May 1st! I know New Yorkers that have been skiing Vt all winter. I didn't but will now.
Back in the day I remembered " Welcome to Vermont Now Go Home" bumper stickers in the Wilmington area. They may still be there but I haven't. I skied Mad River for a dozen years for free thanks to my Vermont boss.
If I called Wilmington home I would most likely be sporting that sticker. The Dover Wilmington stretch of 100 is everything wrong with tourism in the state, outside of Stowe that is.
Just for context here:

a) have you guys ever worked in industrialized tourism?

b) have you ever met Vermonters in person?....away from the internet and it’s unmatched ability to cast aspersions widely.
a) Tried to ski bum at Smuggs once at a ski dorm thingy. Around Thanksgiving busses of college kids were coming in to fill the place. We all quit before they arrived by sending in our resignations by spelling it out in yellow letters in the snow for the folks who owned the place to see and weren’t living up to their promises.

b) See above. It was way before the internet.
Just for context here:

a) have you guys ever worked in industrialized tourism?

b) have you ever met Vermonters in person?....away from the internet and it’s unmatched ability to cast aspersions widely.
Not in industrialized tourism but my entire career was spent in foodservice. I get it that the customer is not always right. And that the customer can often act like a tool.

I've met plenty of Vermonters and for the most part they are great folks. Same can be said for anywhere I have visited domestically or internationally. I have also spoken to Vermonters who were rude and disdainful of people from NY. Just like anywhere else I've visited.

I was asked to stay out of VT if I didn't follow rules I don't agree with. I did that. And it turned out to be no great loss. And I'm not expecting VT to do anything to get my business back. Which is probably no great loss to VT.

As has been mentioned before, it's OK to poke fun at VT in a NY forum.