Coronavirus and Skiing

Makes sense.

Although it makes it more likely that I'd push granny down the stairs so I could go to Magic. :devilish:

I read yesterday that VT was one of only 4 states with rising cases. Maybe a percentage on a small number?

I knew the day was coming.....card carrying vaxers. You got a card you can do shit that people without cards can’t. I’d prefer they just insert a chip when they vax me, then we can have scanners so’s we don’t have to bother flashing the card!
Is this sarcasm or are you going down the rabbit hole designed by Q?
I was just trying to be funneh.
Who, me? The chip and scanner bit was sarcastic, but the days where your life/options are affected by your card carrying that so hard to believe?
How long do we think this $hit is going to last? We're coming up on a year. I have a friend in phase 1b who can't get a vax appointment until April, and has to drive an hour to get it. I'm at the bottom of the food chain, in phase 47000zzzz. I guess pandemic fatigue is finally getting to me. I just bought more masks, anticipating at least another six months.

I guess the good news is that GP won't get shut down early this year.
This sign made me laugh, first at the obvious nature of it and second at the image of the dude spewing in his bud’s face.
How long do we think this $hit is going to last? We're coming up on a year. I have a friend in phase 1b who can't get a vax appointment until April, and has to drive an hour to get it. I'm at the bottom of the food chain, in phase 47000zzzz. I guess pandemic fatigue is finally getting to me. I just bought more masks, anticipating at least another six months.

I guess the good news is that GP won't get shut down early this year.
It's tough to say exactly, but my opinion is we are definitely on a path back to normalcy. Some main points on the pandemic itself:

Based on estimates from the federal government, there will be enough vaccines for the entire adult population by July. Since the new administration took office, distribution has picked up every week, and that trend will continue. I don't see most, if any restrictions being politically viable after anyone who wants a vaccine can take one.

And skiing specifically:

No state will completely shut down skiing. Ski season will continue as long as there is snow and the resorts want to keep operating. You'll be able to ski outdoors until at least late May, and all summer indoors at Big Snow.

The vaccine distribution won't be fast enough to make a difference before the end of the ski season, so current rules will be in place for the rest of the season. Even if it speeds up significantly, there's no sense in changing the rules in late March with only a few weeks left at the northern resorts.

Travel restrictions should lose focus or be eliminated entirely as the numbers keep coming down.

I don't anticipate the same falloff in demand as seen in previous seasons. Capacity restrictions are keeping the current skier visits artificially low, and some people may ski later on who were unable to get tickets during the peak season.