Coronavirus and Skiing

"Quarantining Before Coming IS an Option
If you plan to travel to Vermont in a personal vehicle (including a rental vehicle or private plane), you may complete either a 14-day quarantine or a 7-day quarantine followed by a negative PCR test in your home state and enter Vermont without further quarantine restrictions. Continue to quarantine until you travel to Vermont."

That is pretty interesting, I never would have thought of it. It all makes the basic point that this ain't going to be solved with law enforcement, it's going to take a ground swell of big picture thinking and community spirit.

This made me chuckle:

Looks like it's going to be a very New York-centric ski season. New Hampshire won't let us (New Yorkers) in either:
NH residents or out-of-state visitors traveling to/from areas outside of New England (Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, or Rhode Island) need to self-quarantine for the first 14 days of any intended stay in NH after travel (starting from the last day of their travel outside New England). This recommendation is irrespective of the mode of transportation for travel (public vs. private transportation). It is also acceptable for travelers to New Hampshire to self-quarantine in their home state prior to arrival as long as they do not travel on public transportation.l
Looks like it's going to be a very New York-centric ski season. New Hampshire won't let us (New Yorkers) in either...
Interesting because, at this moment, NY is in better shape than CT or Mass.

I will be cryin' the blues if I can't get in to my beloved NY.
NY/NJ/CT governors have released a joint statement about eliminating non-essential travel between the 3 states.

"Our states have worked together successfully in combating this pandemic since the beginning and we'll continue to do so. The travel advisory was designed to keep our respective states safe, with the understanding that we are a connected region, dependent on each other when it comes to commerce, education, and health care. We're urging all of our residents to avoid unnecessary or non-essential travel between states at this time, but will not subject residents of our states to a quarantine if coming from a neighboring state. New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut have among the lowest infection rates in the country because we have based our approaches to controlling the spread on science and data, and we will continue to do so."

Cuomo’s Covid email today included this

“California has been added to New York's Travel Advisory. Individuals traveling to New York from California must quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in NY. Massachusetts meets the criteria for the travel advisory but due to the region's interconnectedness, quarantine is not practically viable. As such, New York highly discourages non-essential travel between Massachusetts and New York to the extent practical. See more info here.”
yikes. I feel like the VT travel restrictions are a little absurd but the NY advisories aren’t any better
Hadn't seen that particular webpage before, mostly because it's really not an issue for me. Driving from NC, it's impossible to avoid quarantine and I have no reason to drive in that direction during ski season. Can shorten it to 7-days but still probably means far fewer people will be driving from Philly, Baltimore, DC to ski in Vermont this season.

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It’s only late oct
I’m sure this will change by the time january rolls around.