Coronavirus and Skiing

I am a bit worried about snowmaking or particularly the lack of this season.

I don't see how the mountains are going to blow a normal amount of snow. The 6-10 day looks cold-ish, so I think we'll get a look into their thinking.
Hey, you “just have to quarantine”!

Sure, you CAN still come, but the quarantine requirements (on both ends) are an effective ban for most. You are right, you can’t spin that away.
I don't see how the mountains are going to blow a normal amount of snow. The 6-10 day looks cold-ish, so I think we'll get a look into their thinking.
I'm thinking White ribbon of death at most places to say "were open!" with a 2 or 3 trail count.
Whether or not someone has any out of state skiing this season really depends upon the answers to the you intend to comply with stated travel restrictions and do you intend to answer honestly if you are involved in any contact tracing?

Realistically there’s no way for VT to know if you quarantined for 14 days before going to VT or not, or for NY to know you travelled to VT.....unless you get sick and contact tracing happens, and you answer related questions honestly. How willing are people to take on the remote financial risk of penalties if not honest? Not something I really want to risk. Flying into NY airports for western travel could get dicey, if there’s enforcement at the airports. Maybe the EWR loophole stays open for a NY traveller to slip in under any enforcement, but who knows? So many variables right now.

For me, sad as it is, as things stand I’m not sure I see myself skiing out of state this season. Too many hoops to jump thru to stay on the up and up. While I may be working from home (easier to quarantine), even if I were inclined to bend the “rules” (which I’m not saying I am), my wife isn’t, and she works in a public school. She can’t afford quarantine. She’s also concerned (as she should be) that if the kids or I don’t all comply, and one of us gets sick, and she spreads COVID to her school and causes any kind of shut will reflect badly on her. I have to respect that.

I don’t foresee a great season, unless we get lots of snow and ADK backcountry is in play. Still waiting for Whiteface to start selling tickets for MLK weekend but nothing yet. Midweek powder chasing day trips in NY could be easier this season (since I haven’t used much PTO since March)...if online tickets are available.
It was cut short, but had a great season in NY last year. I got 25 days. If I'd gotten my normal 35, it probably would have been my best ever. My season was all in NY except one day at Killy. I'm ready to take what Ullr gives me.

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Yeah, a renewed focus for me on NY areas could be good....if Ullr delivers. More time in the woods at Platty and Gore Is always a good thing. Take what you can get, which as you point out doesn’t have to be bad at all!
This year will be the year I hit the lake effect hills. I don't have a orda pass so that will send me traveling. Thought I would spend some time in Vermont. I pretty sure I could slip in and out safely but the covid questionnaire each day would jam me up at work. Oh well