Big Tupper Thread

Totally agree. There was no gondola in the 2015 Belleayre UMP. Gov Andrew Cuomo forced the issue in 2017 with zero regard to existing planning or needs at Belleayre.

So you have identified one of the issues. Why is there no marketing for Gore in the NYC metro area yet there is marketing for WF/LP? It is not hard to fix this issue and it is not budget breaker, either. Why doesn't Gore do some marketing in the NYC metro? Isn't the ORDA Board tasked with fixing these types of problems? I am in north NJ and a little over 3 hours from North Creek and 3:30 from Stratton. This alone is a favorable marketing point.

You completely made up an issue (North Creek Convention Center???? what a laugh) and then ranted about it. Show me where anybody anywhere advocated for a convention center in North Creek.

You also have not explained how ORDA found $19million to spend on an unneeded convention center adjacent to 1 board member's huge hotel property and less than a mile from another board member's 131 room inn. How does a convention center fit into the Winter Sports mandate of ORDA? I guess you are ok with public sector money for The Village of Lake Placid, just not for The Village of North Creek.
Well, whatever, but what exactly do you think should be funded in North Creek?
Here is one $8million idea:
“The project site is located on private lands classified as ‘hamlet’ under the Adirondack Park Land Use and Development Plan,” said Keith McKeever, APA public information officer. “Hamlet Areas are the designated growth centers within the park where it is most appropriate and desirable for higher intensity mixed-use development.” He said it will help promote and bolster commercial activity and help add more room availability during busy holiday and weekends.

Adirondack Council spokesman John Sheehan said, “We are generally happier when development happens close to an existing community because we want to help Adirondack hamlets become complete, walkable and sustainable, rather than places you have to get in your car to get somewhere. Compact developed areas are cheaper to manage and cost taxpayers less including millions of dollars saved on water and sewer lines.”

The project will connect to existing drinking water and wastewater infrastructure, McKeever said.

Emphasis added.
“The project site is located on private lands classified as ‘hamlet’ under the Adirondack Park Land Use and Development Plan,” said Keith McKeever, APA public information officer. “Hamlet Areas are the designated growth centers within the park where it is most appropriate and desirable for higher intensity mixed-use development.” He said it will help promote and bolster commercial activity and help add more room availability during busy holiday and weekends.

Adirondack Council spokesman John Sheehan said, “We are generally happier when development happens close to an existing community because we want to help Adirondack hamlets become complete, walkable and sustainable, rather than places you have to get in your car to get somewhere. Compact developed areas are cheaper to manage and cost taxpayers less including millions of dollars saved on water and sewer lines.”

The project will connect to existing drinking water and wastewater infrastructure, McKeever said.

Emphasis added.
Thr Front Street Project next to the NC Ski Bowl was supposed to provide its own sewage treatment for the development. Maybe that is where the new ski Bowl Lodge will send its sewage. There is no sewage in NC. Water has not been an issue.
$850 million going to Buffalo
$8 mil seems doable
Terry Pegula and wife Kim net worth is $5,700,000,000 (billion).
The new Bills stadium cost estimate is $1,400,000,000 (billion)
NYS pays $600 million
Erie County pays $250 million
NFL loan to Pegula $200 million with $150million forgivable based on ticket sales
Pegula contributing $350 million plus the $50 million to the NFL for a total $400 million plus escalations in cost. A portion of those funds will come from the sale of about 50,000 personal seat licenses to all season ticket holders, beginning around $1,000 apiece.

The deal will keep the Bills in Buffalo for at least 30 years. I am happy for Bills fans.

So a billionaire NFL owner is getting $850,000,000 from NYS and Erie County.
Terry Pegula and wife Kim net worth is $5,700,000,000 (billion).
The new Bills stadium cost estimate is $1,400,000,000 (billion)
NYS pays $600 million
Erie County pays $250 million
NFL loan to Pegula $200 million with $150million forgivable based on ticket sales
Pegula contributing $350 million plus the $50 million to the NFL for a total $400 million plus escalations in cost. A portion of those funds will come from the sale of about 50,000 personal seat licenses to all season ticket holders, beginning around $1,000 apiece.

The deal will keep the Bills in Buffalo for at least 30 years. I am happy for Bills fans.

So a billionaire NFL owner is getting $850,000,000 from NYS and Erie County.
I like your style, bro
Terry Pegula and wife Kim net worth is $5,700,000,000 (billion).
The new Bills stadium cost estimate is $1,400,000,000 (billion)
NYS pays $600 million
Erie County pays $250 million
NFL loan to Pegula $200 million with $150million forgivable based on ticket sales
Pegula contributing $350 million plus the $50 million to the NFL for a total $400 million plus escalations in cost. A portion of those funds will come from the sale of about 50,000 personal seat licenses to all season ticket holders, beginning around $1,000 apiece.

The deal will keep the Bills in Buffalo for at least 30 years. I am happy for Bills fans.

So a billionaire NFL owner is getting $850,000,000 from NYS and Erie County.
It takes money to make money.
Place yer bets, win free prizes.