Big Tupper Thread

Just found it, last day it was operated was 2/16/15. Closed after fairly big rollback on Chair 2. Talked to a guy who was on it at the time, said it had to roll back about 60-70 feet before it came to a stop, scared the crap out of him.
So 7 years later with little or no maintenance, how much would it cost to make those chairs pass inspection?
That's a rhetorical question.
So 7 years later with little or no maintenance, how much would it cost to make those chairs pass inspection?
That's a rhetorical question.
Ignoring that last sentence, I recall hearing that one of the chairlifts is FUBAR. I don't know which. And I'd like to buy one of those chairs.
@Endoftheline what do you know about the guy in this:

He is a legit Billoinairre but apparently not immune to getting flogged. The article says he bought a camp from one of the ACR principals. Actually he was just trying to recoup millions he had lost. He "invested" millions, thinking he was buying property(great camp lot) when the ACR didn't even own the land they were selling to him. So his $$$s went into building a few roads for the ACR(never finished) and a lot of it also went into a new Ski Patrol Building at Big Tupper(again, not finished and never used). What he is up to with the Marina remains to be seen. He does fly in and out in his $3M seaplane, can't miss that on a small lake for sure. Keep you posted when more info is out there.
Ignoring that last sentence, I recall hearing that one of the chairlifts is FUBAR. I don't know which. And I'd like to buy one of those chairs.
There were 2 chairs that could operate in 2015 -the lookers right (from the base) double and the top double. The third double was lookers left from the base (served the steeper terrain) and was toast. Is one of the 2 remaining chairs now done, also?
I'm not very tech savvy but this article does have a Big Tupper connection. Robb Gaffney grew up skiing on Big Tupper along with his brothers, Scott and Steve. He and Scott went on to make ski movies and they eneded up at Squaw Valley.
He (and Scott) are 2 of the best skiers anywhere. Robb was also the nicest, unassuming, caring person you can imagine.
Did everything right but in the end cancer doesn't care. Way too young, but that seems to be the way.
I'm not very tech savvy but this article does have a Big Tupper connection. Robb Gaffney grew up skiing on Big Tupper along with his brothers, Scott and Steve. He and Scott went on to make ski movies and they eneded up at Squaw Valley.
Here’s something from 10years ago.

"The next step was the T-Bar which leads up to 4 or 5 long groomers. These were all open for night skiing too. Anyone who called Big Tupper their home mountain during that era remembers the beauty of that lift at night; silently it pulled you up through a lit alleyway of leafless and snow covered deciduous tress, through the bite of the cold North Country air, while the flurries lightly fell into the light from the black sky above. At 7 years old, our parents allowed us to be out there on our own. We would get off at the midway station, bomb down and hit every little nub we could find, and go back up to do it again and again until 9pm when they pulled the rope across the maze."

We skied Thursdays in ’75-'76, never at night. He was 5 at the time, but his brothers were older.
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