Belleayre Conditions

Beautiful day today 😀

Crazy, drove through an hour and fifteen minutes of dense fog and drizzle. 15 minutes from Belle I started seeing Orange fog and a bit of sun. At the Belle driveway, Xanadu. Firmish in the morning but not for long, pretty Springy by 10. Light crowd.
Echo the foggy drive and report. Skiied great today and nowhere near as busy as I or @TheGreatAbyss anticipated. Also got to ski with @TheGreatAbyss which was a treat as always. ROTD was Mohawk for me with the bumps starting to mature but everything skiied great and was soft.
With the newborn I hadn't gotten out yet this season but the stars aligned today so I went for it. Today definitely exceeded @Kleetus and my expectations. Beautiful weather, not too crowded, and to have this many trails open given the weather is just amazing.

After ORDA's defiling of the Dark Side I wasn't expecting to like the new "improvements" but I actually think it all flows fairly well. The bridge felt like it belongs there, the new lift was well positioned, and it didn't feel that slow to me, though maybe when I'm solo I'll feel otherwise. Yes the bridge is a bit of a bottle neck and people were jumping off the push piles forming on and below it. On a very crowded day I can see it being an issue.

RIP Utsy and its glorious steep 300 vertical feet on a POW day, but I actually liked the new trail and felt it added something different to the place. With the soft snow getting pushed around it made for some fun terrain
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Oh I finally skied Goats Path....LOL..those snow fences will have a lot of teeth marks on them...Just wait till it gets cold and icy...The patrol should cache a few sleds at the top of the trail..
At least it's not just us suffering this year with this thaw. Pretty dismal out west too. Misery loves company.....
At least it's not just us suffering this year with this thaw. Pretty dismal out west too. Misery loves company.....
At Copper. While it does not look like that I would say the groomers are a bit scratchy. The bumps everywhere are pretty darn soft - better than what we get east except in March or April. And their bump runs are pretty long except the shorter blacks up top.
We are having fun and hopefully will post a tr when back.
We stopped in breck for an afternoon - maybe a mile away from copper but 30 minutes because you have to go around the ten mile range (11 miles of peaks that I think are all 12-13000 feet high). Beautiful town but I guess with epic pass etc very hard to be local or even visit. Cool gondi from the town to the mountain.
Took my highest work call at 12,000 feet at the top of the excelerator lift, haha.
Really enjoying the kids getting the chance to ski in the Rockies and see such a different part of our magnificent country.
While I am probably still a better skier my sons legs and lungs often have him breaking less on the bumps.
Really no ‘expert’ terrain open like the hike to I did in January ‘19 or ‘20. But what I did as hike to for 20 minutes after a car ride is now like 100 yards from a lift!!!
All in all great stuff.