Belleayre Conditions

Guys - anyone skiing belleayre tomorrow and want to meet up?

I have off and am leaning toward going up but alway more fun to ski together.

Lmk if interested.

Skied Belle today, had a couple of thoughts. First, holy cow the snowmaking and grooming is just ridiculous. They had a ton open and it was skiing really well. Considering the rain event early in the week it was absolutely phenomenal conditions/open terrain, and it would have been pretty good for December even without the torrential downpour the other day. Second, the Goat Path. I have negative feelings about them "dumbing down" one of the very few challenging runs that isn't trees on the map. That said, I understand why they felt it was needed, and it's a kinda cool trail. I do think it is gonna result in carnage, because it is in no way a Belleayre blue trail. It's not hard for anyone reading this thread probably, but it is still relatively narrow, tight turns and no run off. The target demographic will be in over their head. Third, the bridge. As a taxpayer, it pisses me off. It makes some things flow better, but as others have pointed out, it is a choke point, potential danger point, and in no reasonable world, where turning a profit matters can it be justified. Fourth, new lift. It's fine. Definitely needed for reliable access to the middle of the mountain. PS, Cathedral. This has nothing to do with my experience today, but if they allow a thicket of saplings to grow, I will be sad inside. And I hope someone at least runs a snowmobile out along the access trail from time to time.

Cathedral Brook was always off-limits, unless there was a ton of natural snow. And it's still off-limits, unless there is a ton of natural snow. I guess I don't understand the difference.
Guys - anyone skiing belleayre tomorrow and want to meet up?

I have off and am leaning toward going up but alway more fun to ski together.

Lmk if interested.

Hey Dom, just saw this. I’ll be there today If you want to do a few laps. I’ll be at Overlook at 8:15. I usually sit at the table in the back right corner by the pub service window. Big Leki bag - Black Shred helmet - tall and unsightly.
That's an informative website -- I wish it'd been around when I was a kid.

In my early teens, I played hockey with Oren Lyons' son Rex at the State Fair Coliseum (he quickly supplanted me as the top scorer on our team!). It was clear that Oren was a regional celebrity because there would always be a sizable crew of people gravitating around him when he attended our games; however, I didn't realize until years later how big an international star he was as an indigenous activist.


He's looks great at 93!
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