Winter Weather 22/23

Meanwhile Southwest cancelled a slew of flights out of Chicago for Feb. 16-17 . . . including the flight I was supposed to be on for a short Steamboat trip this morning. I'm at brother-in-law's house near ORD right now. The flight was rescheduled for Feb. 18 but I opted to cancel completely. Don't want to get stuck in Steamboat if flights out of HDN don't go on Feb. 21 because of the next big storm. Can't extend to chase the powder because of a longer trip out west that starts in SLC the following week. First world problem.

Brother-in-law will go anyway because his plan was to stay until Feb. 24. So he can use the timeshare condo I booked. Reason to go Pres. Day weekend was for the hot air balloon glow for which my primary ski buddy is the crew chief. Had a good time several years ago but got there without flying in/out of Hayden.
NNJ Update - 10:09 - 62F already, only got down to 44F last night.

Ground has not frozen this winter.
NYS Mesonet shows that the low temp at Whiteface was 35 ovrenight and yesterday was in the 50s during the day and stayed in the mid 40s until midnight.
it is going to turn much colder Friday night but only for. short period of time, this has been a terrible winter
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NNJ 71F at 12:36
This Skiology map pretty much answers my primary question for the weekend. Where will it soften?

Screen Shot 2023-02-16 at 2.48.56 PM.png
You want to spell it out for me?
Catskills on Saturday, anywhere Sunday and Monday.

Now that is 1pm and there is limited sun forecast, so it's not ideal or guaranteed.
Catskills on Saturday, anywhere Sunday and Monday.

Now that is 1pm and there is limited sun forecast, so it's not ideal or guaranteed.
This Skiology map pretty much answers my primary question for the weekend. Where will it soften?

View attachment 18362
Catskills on Saturday, anywhere Sunday and Monday.

Now that is 1pm and there is limited sun forecast, so it's not ideal or guaranteed.
It sounds like a significant ice storm is on tap for northern NY and VT through tomorrow night.