Winter Weather 22/23

Crocuses (Croci?) are bad news in February. But beautiful.
They are Snowdrops, most likely Galanthus nivalis. They are the first spring bulb and it is quite common to see them emerge through the snow.
My snowdrops are up, too.

However, my horse is not shedding. He is not convinced that winter is over.
Whiteface it was 53 when I left at 1pm. Spring skiing in mid February. Sun early then cloudy with a few sprinkles then sun again by about 11 am or so. Skyward was excellent!
Same at Mt van Hoevenberg, 50 or so when I left around noon. No bueno.
My snowdrops are up, too.

However, my horse is not shedding. He is not convinced that winter is over.
I am continually impressed by the things evolution has built into animals. Though I guess it could have done a better job with ppl on fear, greed, and aggression.

Good for us bopping bunnies and running from bears but less so for modern society let alone rush hour traffic.
back to weather... here is a example of a greenland block..this is the flow at 500mb or approx 18k ft...
if you take the gfs verbatim..this is in our future....Southeastern Ridge...If this comes to fruition, then it's game over...
Screen Shot 2023-02-16 at 6.43.59 AM.png
Awesome. Is this good or bad and when will we see it?
it is the main ingredient for eastern snow storms..obviously there are exceptions...your not making good pizza without cheese..