Winter Weather 22/23

This from my buddy. Who happens to be a professional meteorologist.
He’s talking about the ny metro area

Dude... before I could answer you I had to do some research... it is
official, this is the WORST January ever!!! In all the years of keeping
records we have never had a January that would match a summer month in
snowfall!! In other words, ZERO accumulation!! yeah we had a few traces but
that's it!! No measurable snow by me this January!! Here are the previous
worst five I have registered... 1995 1.50", 1992 1.25", 1998, 2008, 2019 all
with 1.00"!! Disgusting!!
Probably my fault, I bought a wider pair of skis this season for fresh snow days.
I would just ask that someone with a little expertise explain in simple English what is happening in the East causing the almost unprecedented snow draught and the spate of warm days. No acronyms, and my last science course was way back Freshman year of college,
I would just ask that someone with a little expertise explain in simple English what is happening in the East causing the almost unprecedented snow draught and the spate of warm days. No acronyms, and my last science course was way back Freshman year of college,
When it's cold and wet in the West, it's warm and dry in the East, and vice versa.
ha but why? I have seen years where it was cold and wet in the West and nothing like this in the East.