Winter Weather 21/22

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That's not going to make life any easier. o_O
Happens every year as long as “daylight savings time” runs.
Spring forward & fall back.
Doesn’t make a whole lotta sense other than to screw with human biological clocks.

Lab & Song don’t open till 10 except @9 on weekends and holidays.
It looks like SkiCNY is gonna alternate which place is open starting Monday.
Back in the day, on nice spring days after the clocks sprung ahead and it was light later, Whiteface used to spin lifts past 4:00. Not anymore…..
About to move out of northwest VA. Have a friend who decided to spend the weekend at Massanutten. Has to be at least a couple inches on the ground there based on the webcams.

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Just plowed 6 inches , heavy snow like Sierra Cement
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