Winter is Better

What I find curious is that all these years later, I still get antsy when the seasons change, ...I’ve lived in my house here for close to twenty years now. I should be settled in at this point.
Ya could get house where seasons don’t change much or get used to it as around here seasons are gonna change. It’s like fast climate changes all in the same year.
snow blowing way more fun than leaf blowing which just always seems like a losing battle.
Lack of maggots. That’s gotta be the best reason so far. The smell of a fireplace burning is a good one as well. I like sitting by a fire pit, too....but that smell is more smoke in your face aggressive.

Winter v Summer for me is is a tossup. Winter has skiing, snow, and soccer. Summer has surfing, sand, and soccer. Wouldn’t give up either one!
Also winter has powder and summer has women in bikinis!
Hockey, although I don't play or coach anymore it's still fun to follow
Ya could get house where seasons don’t change much or get used to it as around here seasons are gonna change. It’s like fast climate changes all in the same year.
I don’t mind feeling antsy once in a while. It keeps me on my toes.