Winter is Better

I could make the thread title a question.
Lack of maggots. That’s gotta be the best reason so far. The smell of a fireplace burning is a good one as well. I like sitting by a fire pit, too....but that smell is more smoke in your face aggressive.

Winter v Summer for me is is a tossup. Winter has skiing, snow, and soccer. Summer has surfing, sand, and soccer. Wouldn’t give up either one!
Winter v Summer for me is is a tossup. Winter has skiing, snow, and soccer. Summer has surfing, sand, and soccer. Wouldn’t give up either one!

When we lived in the city, I'd play soccer through the winter at Pier 40. My favorite was going for a slide tackle in the snow and just sliding for what seemed like forever. Heaven, as long as I won the ball. Hell if I didn't.
Winter vs Summer not even close. FALL is the game IMO.

What about spring? Is the part that includes skiing (most of it) included in winter? ?️‍♂️
When we lived in the city, I'd play soccer through the winter at Pier 40. My favorite was going for a slide tackle in the snow and just sliding for what seemed like forever. Heaven, as long as I won the ball. Hell if I didn't.
I haven’t really had a satisfying slide tackle since HS. I didn’t play for many years, and all my leagues now are of the no slide tackle/we all have to go to work on Monday variety! Nothing more fun than a good slide tackle on a wet pitch...