Winter is Better


Jul 15, 2020
Is winter better? I think it is.

Of course skiing is a big reason. But there are others. Like sledding.

One reason I like, you can throw anything in the garbage anytime all week long. Turkey carcas, whatever, it will freeze until garbage day.

There are many reasons. Can you name another?
Ice is cheap

It depends on where you live imo. It's been frustrating here in CNY for the last 10ish years? Snow, rain, snow, snow, heatwave, flood, snow.
I'll take fall. Reliable weather, deer season, great golf, beautiful colors, fishing, perfect bonfire/outdoor party weather, dirt bikes, ranger/wheeler rides, still good boating if you catch a nice day.
No yardwork ... maybe some occasional shoveling or snow blowing, which is fun anyway!
My horse has sweet itch, which means he is allergic to the serum in midge bites. From early spring until late fall, he is high maintenance. He gets the normal fly spray all over, plus a heavy duty goo along his midline (think along your sternum to groin), topped with a fly sheet, neck cover and face mask. Think jousting armor. The face mask disappears regularly, after he rolls or rubs his head on a tree. I usually keep five backups.

In the winter, when I ride, he swishes his tail as if the snowflakes that land on him are flies. I guess I can't blame him, given his fly sensitivity.
Winter...skiing can ski in South America..but its a bit further than..anywhere else.