Windham Mountain Going Private?

The website says you can buy a ticket for Monday, which will be a powder day, for $135. That’s not very exclusive.
The website says you can buy a ticket for Monday, which will be a powder day, for $135. That’s not very exclusive.
Believe he was referencing Ikonization's exclusivities.
Have at it if ya wanna. Gore’s ticket for me Monday would be $62, Belle’s $45.
Roads and weather should be nice Monday. Might even hit a local bump if it looks good.
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The website says you can buy a ticket for Monday, which will be a powder day, for $135. That’s not very exclusive.
What's the timing of the storm? I would think Monday will be tracked out given the current lack of terrain and no snow in the woods.
Wow that is messed up. I wonder if Ikon is going to push back.

We were initially planning to ski Windham over pres break but went with Sugarbush. But I am kind of annoyed (yes first world problem) because that was going to be the easy weekend place for our family this winter. Frankly I am probably the only one who will care because Xmas and Pres we'll be at 11 and that is pretty much all the days my kids will want to ski.

I very selfishly (and perhaps smartly) snagged a sale for the belleayre only pass for myself this summer for 369 so I'll be sure to get my money's worth there. Already will have 4 days at Belle calendared so only need a few more. But dang.
Wow that is messed up. I wonder if Ikon is going to push back.
I called Ikon and they told me they had no control of the reservation system.
They also told me Windham had no control of the RFID card so I could use my pass regardless. I’m not inclined to try that unless Windham is in the bullseye of a storm.

I called Ikon and they told me they had no control of the reservation system.
They also told me Windham had no control of the RFID card so I could use my pass regardless. I’m not inclined to try that unless Windham is in the bullseye of a storm.

Wow. Let me know how it goes. I think them telling you the RFID point is their way of sticking it to Windham.
I called Ikon and they told me they had no control of the reservation system.
They also told me Windham had no control of the RFID card so I could use my pass regardless. I’m not inclined to try that unless Windham is in the bullseye of a storm.

Btw, Ikon and Fail will probably go to their 'limited day' partners and change the terms for next year after getting dinged up by Windham to 'clarify' the terms under which reservation systems can be used to 'unfairly' limit access.

Right now I would bet it is either more of an honor system or Ikon back doors some control through provisions on RFID access like they noted to you.
Wow. Let me know how it goes. I think them telling you the RFID point is their way of sticking it to Windham.
Looks like an old fashioned RFID War FTW.
Btw, Ikon and Fail will probably go to their 'limited day' partners and change the terms for next year after getting dinged up by Windham to 'clarify' the terms under which reservation systems can be used to 'unfairly' limit access.

Right now I would bet it is either more of an honor system or Ikon back doors some control through provisions on RFID access like they noted to you.
Let the force be with ya.