Windham Mountain Going Private?

How do you solve it? Not sure, but I'd look into steep vacancy taxes but I'm not sure the data supports their effectiveness. So I really don't know.
Vacancy taxes? WTAF? This is more alarming than the rich assholes (there I said it) taking over Windham.

Are you in favor of taxing weekenders? People with seasonal properties? Does it only apply to the wealthy? Only McMansions because you don’t like them? What about hunting camps and writing cabins? Do you tax people based on the frequency of visitation? What about journeymen? Snowbirds? I would hope that people who are deployed have an exemption. Is this self reporting or do you rely on neighbors snitching on each other? Maybe government surveillance? Is this on a local level or statewide? What does the money collected go towards?

I wish there was more distribution of wealth, sure, I could use some. Many of our clients over the years are from the city and we take care of their second homes. There is a whole local economy that’s been built around that. It’s a way of bringing money up into the country.

They pay property and school taxes just like everyone else using a fraction of the services the system provides compared to a full time resident. They also can’t vote locally since it isn’t their primary residence, so in reality, the situation is more like taxation without representation.
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First time posting someone who skis at Hunter I am very concerned about what this will mean for the already excruciating Saturday lift lines.
Welcome long do you wait in line to get on the lift ? Just curious, I have never skied Hunter and have no idea about the crowds.
First time posting someone who skis at Hunter I am very concerned about what this will mean for the already excruciating Saturday lift lines.
Hunter and excruciating lift lines on Saturday is redundant.
As an Arizona skier I often receive condescending comments and eye rolls from the unfamiliar. I appreciate those that know how to have fun wherever with whatever they have.

Most people that travel from afar to ski the Snowbirds and Jackson’s are often doing themselves a disservice and are spending a lot of money to impress others. They often are over-mountain-ing themselves and would have more fun going somewhere better suited for their abilities
Yeah, but, you are a skier.
I wish there was more distribution of wealth, sure, I could use some. Many of our clients over the years are from the city and we take care of their second homes..
Feels like you might have a personal interest here?
During peak Saturday hours it can be 20 minutes. Can ski the north or west lift but need good conditions.
In the early 80’s before they put in a quad. The old A lift would have lines approaching 1 hour.